Rn ! Games

Rn is a game made by Homokillers-PGaf.

Its a fun game !!

We name some people and ask if to kill them , if we agreed, we will kill those people , eat their blood, and take their passport and moneys ! πŸ™‚

So take care ! πŸ˜›

kill mr ass hole!

Yes ! πŸ™Œ

kill some damn chinese?πŸ˜›

kill some damn chinese?πŸ˜›
Some ! Ofc ! πŸ˜›

Kill rose? πŸ˜›

I honeslty dont understand this game? How is it fun? whats the point?

I honeslty dont understand this game? How is it fun? whats the point?
Dont u love war???

U should get used to killing! πŸ˜›

It should be fun for you ! Killing enemies of islam !

Dont u love war???

U should get used to killing! πŸ˜›

It should be fun for you ! Killing enemies of islam !

100% Youre right

but I don't know what this game is about

Ok ill start by killing Lianshen

Ok ill start by killing Lianshen
U cany kill easily !

Someone should call first πŸ™‚


U cany kill easily !

Someone should call first πŸ™‚


His acc is deactivated

His acc is deactivated


Kill Sabri ? πŸ˜›

Ill kill Chris too

I think this forum is gonna get banned

(you heard it first here!!! πŸ˜†πŸ€ͺ)

I think this forum is gonna get banned

(you heard it first here!!! πŸ˜†πŸ€ͺ)

Ahah at least better than gay black oily men dancing .

I honeslty dont understand this game? How is it fun? whats the point?
Your parents didn't tell you that salt is bad for your blood pressure? 😏

Your parents didn't tell you that salt is bad for your blood pressure? 😏