Guess the Name of the Novel

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You welcome

Name of some character: Kurt, Santana, Rachel, Brittany

Don't got this one but I have another one, but I'll procede otherwize. I'll not give any character names but places:
Symeria, Aquilonia, Stygia, Zamora, Zingara, Shadizar, Azgard, Hyboria, Vendhia, Vanaheim, Arenjun, Iranistan, Nemedia, Britunia

Don't got this one but I have another one, but I'll procede otherwize. I'll not give any character names but places:
Symeria, Aquilonia, Stygia, Zamora, Zingara, Shadizar, Azgard, Hyboria, Vendhia, Vanaheim, Arenjun, Iranistan, Nemedia, Britunia

The world of "Conan the Cimmerian"! BY CROM! Long live Robert E. Howard! 🙂

Well done, sorry for the mistakes. In fact, I read them in audiobooks so I don't have the orthographe of all the names. But let's go back to characters:
Shana, Dove, Astra, Telson, Angels 1 and 2, Brann, George, Tidy
Here again, I can be wrong on orthographe, cause I heard the original radio series which was brought into novels after.

It gives a clue 🙂

Name of some characters:Amir ,Ali, Rahim Khan, Sohrab

Name of some characters:Amir ,Ali, Rahim Khan, Sohrab
I think its "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini. Isn't it?

Name of some characters:Nick Carraway,Daisy Buchanan,Tom Buchanan, Jordan Baker


Name of some characters:Amir ,Ali, Rahim Khan, Sohrab
I think its "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini. Isn't it?

The great Gatsby?

Name of some characters:Nick Carraway,Daisy Buchanan,Tom Buchanan, Jordan Baker

This time I am not going to give you the name of some characters in the novel. Instead, I will mentioned some key words about it.
key words:Scarlet, dog, doctor,Mormonism, waterfall

Name of some characters:Nick Carraway,Daisy Buchanan,Tom Buchanan, Jordan Baker
The great Gatsby

This time I am not going to give you the name of some characters in the novel. Instead, I will mentioned some key words about it.
key words:Scarlet, dog, doctor,Mormonism, waterfall
Sherlock Holmes?


This time I am not going to give you the name of some characters in the novel. Instead, I will mentioned some key words about it.
key words:Scarlet, dog, doctor,Mormonism, waterfall
Sherlock Holmes?

The first one. A Red Study I think.
I think the last nevel I gave isn't very famous so here is another with characters:
Roland, Alice, Jack, Flagg

The first one. A Red Study I think.
I think the last nevel I gave isn't very famous so here is another with characters:
Roland, Alice, Jack, Flagg
Stephen King, the dark tower

Yes, I just started to read it.
Étienne, Nicolas Maheud, Négrel, Alzire, Jeanlin, Chaval

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