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35, z Hiszpania
Regularny użytkownik
December 16, 2019 15:23
December 16, 2019 15:23
Hello😁 .
I'm from Spain and I love roleplaying games.I play Dungeons and Dragons 5 ed with some friends
22, z Austria
January 06, 2020 18:13
January 06, 2020 18:13
Hi. Do you wanna start a game?
38, z Stany Zjednoczone
December 04, 2020 09:55
December 04, 2020 09:55
Do you do premade campains from books, or original ones. Have you ever been a DM?
46, z Włochy
February 05, 2021 16:24
31, z Francja
February 05, 2021 20:53
February 05, 2021 20:53
I stopped after the 3.5 and played to Pathfinder, but playing to the version 5 could be great. unfortunately, I've got problems with Discord.
21, z Włochy
May 22, 2022 13:49
May 22, 2022 13:49
Hello guys 👋 i wanna create a group for playing d&d which people from different parts of the world, if anyone is interested I can create a group on discord, if someone have it, and we can organize to play together online 🙂☺️👋
27, z Niemcy
Nowy użytkownik
November 23, 2022 21:28
November 23, 2022 21:28
Hi there! Are you still looking for players? I would like to join you.
Strona 1 z 1
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Ten temat był przez jakiś czas nieaktywny i jest teraz tylko do odczytu.