Dream house

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The Dutton ranch in Yellowstone is close to my dream home 😍

The Dutton ranch in Yellowstone is close to my dream home 😍

I looked it up MrPersian and i think it is this:

I looked it up MrPersian and i think it is this:

πŸ“ΈοΈ πŸ“ΈοΈ

That's their barn... Their home is another one close to it. 😊

That's their barn... Their home is another one close to it. 😊

Oops!! πŸ˜› Maybe this:

Oops!! πŸ˜› Maybe this:


Yes 😍 that's the one

I'd not go in traditional sense with it since your home is where you find the true peace:

That is a veeeery good idea.
My home is on wheels but not made to drive around for fun.
Call me when you got the boat. We could meet at some coast.
But I`m not sure you will find the true peace in my presence.
Did you ever find true peace with someone @diogenes_cask?

That is a veeeery good idea.
My home is on wheels but not made to drive around for fun.
Call me when you got the boat. We could meet at some coast.
But I`m not sure you will find the true peace in my presence.
Did you ever find true peace with someone @diogenes_cask?

I've got the boat already but not blessed by Poseidon yet for such long journeys. πŸ™‚ Your presence is always welcomed. Regarding to your question, I have the "Apatheia" (A state of mind in Stoic philosophy in which one is free from emotional disturbance.) or freedom from emotional turmoil. Thereupon my true peace doesn't depend on people around me but the people within me. πŸ™‚

A lot of questions arise inside of me.
As you know I love such conversations about philosophy and consciousness.

Is there anybody else interested?

I would love to get a lecture about "Apatheia" by professor @diogenes_cask
or get to know more about it/him in an interview.

Please confirm your interest by πŸ‘

Thank you

A lot of questions arise inside of me.
As you know I love such conversations about philosophy and consciousness.

Is there anybody else interested?

I would love to get a lecture about "Apatheia" by professor @diogenes_cask
or get to know more about it/him in an interview.

Please confirm your interest by πŸ‘

Thank you

The word "lecture" sounds tempting to me somehow. πŸ™‚

The word "lecture" sounds tempting to me somehow. πŸ™‚

I really hope that you will do that @diogenes_cask like @H_E_A_R_T said!!! But only of course if you want that too and have time for it. Your lectures are always very nice to read and you talk like in a big poem the way you say things!! πŸ™‚

I really hope that you will do that @diogenes_cask like @H_E_A_R_T said!!! But only of course if you want that too and have time for it. Your lectures are always very nice to read and you talk like in a big poem the way you say things!! πŸ™‚

Thank you, Yue. πŸ™‚ You are brilliantly

courteous with your eternal kindness. I shall do my best with the lecture. πŸ™‚

Thank you, Yue. πŸ™‚ You are brilliantly

courteous with your eternal kindness. I shall do my best with the lecture. πŸ™‚

Thank you very much @diogenes_cask!! I think that the lecture will be very nice and if we can maybe help with anything you can of course just say it. And i know that you are super busy so it is very nice that you have time for it!!! πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ™

I've got the boat already but not blessed by Poseidon yet for such long journeys. πŸ™‚ Your presence is always welcomed. Regarding to your question, I have the "Apatheia" (A state of mind in Stoic philosophy in which one is free from emotional disturbance.) or freedom from emotional turmoil. Thereupon my true peace doesn't depend on people around me but the people within me. πŸ™‚

How did you reach apatheia? I ask, for that is a rather difficult goal to achieve, which I have continuously failed to reach.

How did you reach apatheia? I ask, for that is a rather difficult goal to achieve, which I have continuously failed to reach.

Indeed, it is difficult goal to achive, I agree, but with the correct key, it is difficult not to achieve either. I have found the key in the some words of Marcus Aurellius: "You always own the option of having no opinion. There is never any need to get worked up or to trouble your soul about things you can't control. These things are not asking to be judged by you. Leave them alone."

Indeed, it is difficult goal to achive, I agree, but with the correct key, it is difficult not to achieve either. I have found the key in the some words of Marcus Aurellius: "You always own the option of having no opinion. There is never any need to get worked up or to trouble your soul about things you can't control. These things are not asking to be judged by you. Leave them alone."

Thanks for your words. I have to meditate on this a little I think.

Me parece excelente la idea que propones

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