😬💴 The would you dare challenge 💶😵 Anything and everything

But perhaps there are rocks in the water so maybe that is still dangerous! And if you have a rope and you fall down it can also go like a swing to the side and you can hit a lot of things and you become like a squishy! 😬😬
I would love to bungeejump but I would also want to run on a bridg and then jump on water my dad always did it when he was a teenager LOL

https://www.google.com/imgres?q=mengede%20brücken&imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.waltroper-zeitung.de%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2023%2F08%2F08%2F22%2F630_0900_3109150_wzl_groppenbrucherbruecke_1-640x428.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.waltroper-zeitung.de%2Fwaltrop%2Fmarode-kanalbruecke-stau-mengeder-strasse-w766956-11000443259%2F&docid=C-1KLBygtnXqFM&tbnid=xJKtHtBWhHg8oM&vet=12ahUKEwit6o-to_KIAxUMhv0HHTFJARQQM3oECBkQAA..i&w=640&h=428&hcb=2&ved=2ahUKEwit6o-to_KIAxUMhv0HHTFJARQQM3oECBkQAA he jumped from the highes point of the bridge he also has his own picture when he was on the bridge but i dont have it

In the valley, but I have never tried it. I hope I can try it once in my life. This is one of my Bucket List.

That is really cool and mega brave @Zimreta!! On my bucket list most things are not very scary!! 😛 😃

I would love to bungeejump but I would also want to run on a bridg and then jump on water my dad always did it when he was a teenager LOL

Wow your dad is like super man! I think you must give him for his next birthday a red cape!! And a cool mask! 🙂

That is really cool and mega brave @Zimreta!! On my bucket list most things are not very scary!! 😛 😃

Wow your dad is like super man! I think you must give him for his next birthday a red cape!! And a cool mask! 🙂

We are not celebration Birthdays BUT I will jump from there I will when I am, one day, alowed to go out alone!

But one problem iit is hard to come on there... Cause u need to run FAST without slipping!

But one problem iit is hard to come on there... Cause u need to run FAST without slipping!

I already fall on my butt without running fast but just slow running and i go benggg like a falling tree!! 😬😬

I already fall on my butt without running fast but just slow running and i go benggg like a falling tree!! 😬😬
i guess the same will happen to me too when I ll try it!

Would you dare to kil yourself? for 100 bucks?

Would you dare to kil yourself? for 100 bucks?

That is impossible challenge!! BUTTT it is possible if you change kill for paint! 😛

That is impossible challenge!! BUTTT it is possible if you change kill for paint! 😛
I would do it for free if it wouldnt be haram =)

I would do it for free if it wouldnt be haram =)

Haram means that it is not allowed in islam right? But haram or not, we like you here Mulannyyyy! You are a golden 💛 for everybody. So we keep you here!!!! 🥰🥰

Haram means that it is not allowed in islam right? But haram or not, we like you here Mulannyyyy! You are a golden 💛 for everybody. So we keep you here!!!! 🥰🥰
Yeah haram means it is not alowwed

3️⃣ Would you dare to play in a Japanese Game Show like THIS ONE From the youtube link I think it would be VERY funny if @Etienne, @Pennarossa2024, @Lianshen, @Simone724 and @Sabri_KC would compete!!!!! 😛 😛
Sometimes, there was Takeshi's Castle on TV and I found it very funny. Soprobably I would try to do it and it my failure would be quite entertaining given that I would have near 0 chance to win 😂

1️⃣ : Totally. Looks fun.
2️⃣ : I'd love to appear in an amphiteater with this kind of outfit someday, then start a course. Same in the street, just to embarass someone hanging out with me.
4️⃣ : Sure. I never had the chance to do bungeejump though !
5️⃣ : First nope of the list. Any meat, but no insects nor arachnids please
6️⃣: Also nope! But I might sing xiao ping guo if I drink a little too much 😉

Edited by Lianshen .

Very nice to read your answers Lianshen!! I expected 5 to be different that you would say you could eat 20 scorpions easily!! I could not do it like you!! Scary and maybe also dangerous of the venoms?

I REALLY want to see you and the others I mentioned compete in the Japanese Game Show i shared the link of!! But you all have to wear the funny outfits! I think the most skinny person will win it or the most flexible!!! 😛

What I dislike with insects and would be afraid of with arachnids is that they are full of parasites and pathogens, eventually pesticids, and I don't want to risk myself over something that I don't even expect to taste very good.

i don't think we could do the shape trial with a shark outfit!

What I dislike with insects and would be afraid of with arachnids is that they are full of parasites and pathogens, eventually pesticids, and I don't want to risk myself over something that I don't even expect to taste very good.

i don't think we could do the shape trial with a shark outfit!

Ok that sounds scary!! No idea what pathogens are and pesticids but it does not sound so nice!! 😬😬

And for the shape game you need to wear the same as in the youtube video! 😛 That will be VERY funny if you and Etienne, Pennarossa, Sabri and Simone do that and compete!! 😛

Sometimes, there was Takeshi's Castle on TV and I found it very funny. Soprobably I would try to do it and it my failure would be quite entertaining given that I would have near 0 chance to win 😂

1️⃣ : Totally. Looks fun.
2️⃣ : I'd love to appear in an amphiteater with this kind of outfit someday, then start a course. Same in the street, just to embarass someone hanging out with me.
4️⃣ : Sure. I never had the chance to do bungeejump though !
5️⃣ : First nope of the list. Any meat, but no insects nor arachnids please
6️⃣: Also nope! But I might sing xiao ping guo if I drink a little too much 😉

Immediately when I read the name 'Takeshi' I thought about the one from 'Initial D' and I was so confused because he doesn't have a castle but then I realized there are probably more than one Takeshi in the world... My world was turned upside down today😳