🧸 Best item from the past❣️

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Hello everybody!! 🙋‍♀️ Is there something that you still have from when you were small that is now your best memory and favourite thing from that time?

Like a toy that you loved, a friends book, a letter or a prize you won, a cute outfit from when you were a baby, a photoalbum or anything else? And is there something that you lost from the past that you REALLY want to get back? 🤗🤗

My favourite plushie was bought by my mother when she was thirteen, and now it's mine. I even prefer it over other humans sometimes😅

A plushie from when i was born, a birthday card my old best friend gave to me.

It is nice that you both say a plushie @Miss_Penpal and @Emmiiii_17_11! What kind of plushie is it for you both? 🙂

For me I have a couple of things. I have in my room hanging with a lace my first ballet shoes when I was very small. I always have that in my room. And from what others gave me I have saved a lot of things. But I like the letters from my grandmother and grandfather in China the most. I have EVERY letter still.

I used to have a necklace with a water drop (that is my nature element). And I cant find it, but I know it is somewhere in my room. 🙁

I am curious if @Etienne, @Pennarossa2024, @H_E_A_R_T, @Lianshen, @Sabri_KC and @Piwipete saved anything special from when you were very small and that is like best thing that you have from that time. 😊😊

I kept my childhood plushies 🙂❤️

I kept my childhood plushies 🙂❤️

I like that you are very brave and said that! 😊😊 Which was your favourite one? 🙂

I like that you are very brave and said that! 😊😊 Which was your favourite one? 🙂
I love them all, they all mean something to me 🥰

I have 1 or 2 stuffed animals in boxes, too. I have also kept every cell phone I've ever had (starting with my beloved Nokia 3310), my Sega Genesis (aka "Mega Drive II" in Europe) from when I was probably 6 years old, and I even still have our family Minitel - the ultimate French relic from the 90s 😂

Hi Yue,

I`ve got no plushy from my past.
But I remember two very well:

I had a dog that I called Bruno.
Bruno was a friend I met on a family vacation in Spain.
And I had a Monchhichi that I called Mats.
Mats was a friend I met on a family vacation in Denmark.
So those plushies remind me of the friends and my family
on vacation.

I still have my gameboy advance and the games I used to play on it; as well as many small stuff. For plushy, I have this now absolutely destroyed (I rememebr I even used to hide some cash in it at a moment since it was already in bad shape) duck dressed in overall and that looks like an american farmer. I loved it because it was making music/song. My parents quickly regretted to give it to me and removed the battery (I think it doesn't even work anymore now). I must admit it was my absolute favourite one (I didn't have many), and playing 3498 times at night was my guilty pleasure. I would really like it if it was fixed someday.

I also had a panda with a tear on one eye. Time wasn't as bad with it, but it still suffered a little bit and was abandoned in a corner of my room while my sister had a brown bear (exact same design, but brown.
Later, I met someone who had a panda plushy as well and we simply exchanged. She keeps mine - which she forgot to bring back to Europe - and I keep hers. Mine didn't travel much with me and is nicely sat on a tidy place where it has some peace and care, while her panda has crossed different continents, travelled to different cities, from sea to mountains and even climbed a volcano.
I know it's not something from when I was small, but it's strongly related.

It is nice that you both say a plushie @Miss_Penpal and @Emmi1711! What kind of plushie is it for you both? 🙂

For me I have a couple of things. I have in my room hanging with a lace my first ballet shoes when I was very small. I always have that in my room. And from what others gave me I have saved a lot of things. But I like the letters from my grandmother and grandfather in China the most. I have EVERY letter still.

I used to have a necklace with a water drop (that is my nature element). And I cant find it, but I know it is somewhere in my room. 🙁

I am curious if @Etienne, @Pennarossa2024, @H_E_A_R_T, @Lianshen, @Sabri_KC and @Piwipete saved anything special from when you were very small and that is like best thing that you have from that time. 😊😊

My plushie is a bear that's half my size(I'm not that tall, so it's not the kind of stuffed animal that's too big) and she has a bow tie with... legs? It's like a bow tie (because it's on the front part of her neck), but it has two longer pieces of cloth, kind of like a bow hair tie, I don't know the word for that, sorry. And she's been wearing one of my old pyjamas since I don't fit in it anymore and I loved it too much to get rid of it. Plus, it suits her so well!
Unfortunately my plushie has a gash in her back that I can't fix because she's made of thick cloth, so the string I have just breaks when I try to sew it back up😭 That's another reason why she's wearing my pyjama, because otherwise the padding would come out and she'd become all empty and weird...

This thread of comments is an interesting read. At our home we have a room dedicated to storage. Two large cabinets serve no other purpose than housing family nostalgia. Notable items include family photo albums starting around the early childhood of my parents and a large wooden box containing Fleischmann model train sets (a prized possession that used to belong to my father). From my own childhood I have Nintendo gear (original games from the time that Duck Hunt was considered as high tech) and a large quantity of carefully preserved original Star Wars merchandise. We also have a large collection of quite rare vinyl albums. Second hand traders would go mental...

Our two daughters each have a large box for their own nostalgic items. One special item may be typically Dutch: a "poesiealbum" containing pages for family and friends to write small verses and poems for its proud (generally pre-teen) owner. There are special decorations - all with a 50s/60s vibe - to add to the imagination. I am quite sure that these albums are largely relics of the past (Yue: I am not sure if you or your friends are even familiar with the existence of such albums despite sharing the same Dutch soil). We have reinstated this practice for our daughters and there is suddenly a wave of albums circulating in their classes. Parents and school teachers were all happily confronted with an established practice of their own childhood.

Woww those are a lot of reactions!! 🥰🥰🙏

@Etienne what kind of plushies did you have? And what was your favourite and did they have names? 😛 Do you still collect all the phones that you have?

And @H_E_A_R_T do you wish that you still had Bruno and Mats? Because that would be really special i think! 🙂

And @Lianshen so the plushy that you changed is from outside Europe right? And it should be a red panda like your profile photo 😛 😛

Maybe a nice tip for you @Miss_Penpal is that you can bring a plushy or toy that is broken to places and they repair it. In my country there are several places that they do that for you and maybe they can help you with it. 🙂 🧸

I did hear about poesiealbums @Savi2024 but I dont have myself one. But I do have two friends albums where my friends wrote for me and teachers and family. I still have them of course!!!!!!! They are very important for me but we dont have them in high school because that is maybe embarrassing but i would actually like it. But it would be weird i think. 😬😬🙄

This thread of comments is an interesting read. At our home we have a room dedicated to storage. Two large cabinets serve no other purpose than housing family nostalgia. Notable items include family photo albums starting around the early childhood of my parents and a large wooden box containing Fleischmann model train sets (a prized possession that used to belong to my father). From my own childhood I have Nintendo gear (original games from the time that Duck Hunt was considered as high tech) and a large quantity of carefully preserved original Star Wars merchandise. We also have a large collection of quite rare vinyl albums. Second hand traders would go mental...
What Nintendo games do you have? I'd like to know because old games are better than the newer ones, so maybe I could find something to ask for my birthday. My family keeps asking me for gift ideas and I never know what to say...

What Nintendo games do you have? I'd like to know because old games are better than the newer ones, so maybe I could find something to ask for my birthday. My family keeps asking me for gift ideas and I never know what to say...

Apologies for my late response. It was "living in the fast lane" at the office since my last comment in this interesting forum thread.

We have a large box containing old Nintendo games (i.e. the original 8-bit NES that was produced and launched in the 80s). Most of the games were "inherited" from a friend with a defective NES console. The only game I recognize from "his" pile is the legendary game 'Mega Man'. When we were at primary school (dinosaurs were roaming free at the time), we were avid players of 'Super Mario Brothers 1, 2 and 3' and of course 'The Legend of Zelda'. We also have the medieval strategy game 'Defenders of the Crown' and 'Star Wars' (at that time spectacular; currently embarrassing for graphic design). And we still have a sports game with the mysterious title 'Tennis'.

Do take into account that the original NES was designed for CRT tv's (i.e. these massive brick like machines with a screen in front). Some games like Duck Hunt may not work with current LED/OLED tv's.

There seems to be a modest revival of the 60s/70s/80s across Europe. I was surprised to hear about increased interest for vintage game consoles (like the NES and its SEGA/Atari counterparts) and old vinyl players. Old times are back with a vengeance!

Do you maybe have something from the past @Roseeeee, @Esma-Nur, @Nana232, @-Kiki-, @Simone724 and @Paolo63? Like a plushie or toy that you used to play with or letter or something else that is very important for you? 🙂

Do you maybe have something from the past @Roseeeee, @Esma-Nur, @Nana232, @-Kiki-, @Simone724 and @Paolo63? Like a plushie or toy that you used to play with or letter or something else that is very important for you? 🙂
Not really, i started to play videogames since i was 9/10 years old, i still have my first Game Boy and Play Station, but i wouldn't define them as my best items from the past; similarly, i still have some Pokemon cards i collected when i was a kid (and i still collect them, so this makes them more special), but i don't define them as my best items from the past neither. So, i think the best "items" from the past i have are not physical objects, but just my memories.

Apologies for my late response. It was "living in the fast lane" at the office since my last comment in this interesting forum thread.

We have a large box containing old Nintendo games (i.e. the original 8-bit NES that was produced and launched in the 80s). Most of the games were "inherited" from a friend with a defective NES console. The only game I recognize from "his" pile is the legendary game 'Mega Man'. When we were at primary school (dinosaurs were roaming free at the time), we were avid players of 'Super Mario Brothers 1, 2 and 3' and of course 'The Legend of Zelda'. We also have the medieval strategy game 'Defenders of the Crown' and 'Star Wars' (at that time spectacular; currently embarrassing for graphic design). And we still have a sports game with the mysterious title 'Tennis'.

Do take into account that the original NES was designed for CRT tv's (i.e. these massive brick like machines with a screen in front). Some games like Duck Hunt may not work with current LED/OLED tv's.

There seems to be a modest revival of the 60s/70s/80s across Europe. I was surprised to hear about increased interest for vintage game consoles (like the NES and its SEGA/Atari counterparts) and old vinyl players. Old times are back with a vengeance!

Thank you for the game names, and don't worry about my Nintendo because it's a NES one! I even already have 'Duck Hunt', 'Super Mario Brothers' (1 and 3), and 'The Legend of Zelda'. I have other games too, like 'Tetris', 'Donkey Kong', 'Top Gun', and 'Rad Racer'.