🛸🕰️ If you can go back in time 🕰️✈️

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Hello everybody!! 🙋‍♀️ I have a question: if you can go back in time to anything that has happened on earth and be there too, what do you choose?

Like your wedding, a concert when you were not born, a sport match or going back to the time of the dinosaurs or anything else? What do you choose and why? 🙂

Thank you for giving your answer!! 🙏🙏🤗🤗🤗

i want to go back to the years 70s 80s 90s and early 2000s 🙂

I would love to go back in time to the 80s, because everything was so simple back then.

So @LandRoverDiscovery2 and @DaNerdiest1 why do you prefer those times? And what was more simple because of no internet and maybe mobile phones at that time? 🙂

government whas totally different, i guess........ 🙂

government whas totally different, i guess........ 🙂

Oh ok! I like to go back a lot longer ago to times of Korean drama series in the palaces of empires or in the marco polo series. That would be cool. But only for a day or week and after that go back home again to the time now! 🙂

I would want to go back to the Victorian era

I would want to go back to the Victorian era

Why do you like that time Eisch? 🙂

Some oft the best books are located at this time. The Brontë sisters wrote so fantastic books...
I have a romantic view on that time 😉

Some oft the best books are located at this time. The Brontë sisters wrote so fantastic books...
I have a romantic view on that time 😉

Would you like to be in that time always or that you visit it for like a day maybe?

I really want to go back to a night two years ago, November 14, 2021, because that day I quarreled with my ex-girlfriend, I feel very sorry, She broke up with me because of it, but I still love her. I miss her……˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚

I will change all my mistakes and maybe now I wouldn´t be here 😁

I'm sorry to hear that Romeo134. Buttttt you have a nice name Romeo!! So that is like Romeo & Julia right! You just tell her that she is the Julia! I hope that you will be happy again about it. 😊

And Esma-Nur everybody makes mistakes so that is ok. I am happy that you are here so you are my friend and that is special for me! ❤️🤗🤗

I'm sorry to hear that Romeo134. Buttttt you have a nice name Romeo!! So that is like Romeo & Julia right! You just tell her that she is the Julia! I hope that you will be happy again about it. 😊

And Esma-Nur everybody makes mistakes so that is ok. I am happy that you are here so you are my friend and that is special for me! ❤️🤗🤗

Thank you. I've been sad for a long time but I feel much better now

I want to go back to every time I was sad before, and I accept that I can't change anything before except to comfort myself and give me a big hug

Jesus Time or the Younger Drias Impact 13000 years ago.

I wouldn't go back to change my past. I learned from it and time goes on. If there's something you can't keep, it never belonged to you. Move on and be happy for what is still ahead.

Jesus Time or the Younger Drias Impact 13000 years ago.

I wouldn't go back to change my past. I learned from it and time goes on. If there's something you can't keep, it never belonged to you. Move on and be happy for what is still ahead.

Thank you for what you wrote!! That is really nice and good to think about. 🙂

But why you want go back to Jesus time or the other time 13000 years ago?

I bet meeting Jesus is a blessing and I read alot about The Younger Dryas Impact. To be honest I'm curious how the earth got strucked by metors And I just want to witness it. Probably I wont come back from that haha

I bet meeting Jesus is a blessing and I read alot about The Younger Dryas Impact. To be honest I'm curious how the earth got strucked by metors And I just want to witness it. Probably I wont come back from that haha

I dont think that i want a meteor on my head!! But drinking hot jasmin tea with Jesus would be cool! 🙂