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I have frequented many pen pal sites. Administrators were abstract figures. It was not known who they were. They never intervened, not even when something serious happened. Precisely for these reasons, some of those sites no longer exist or have become rubbish. If penpal gate is different from those sites, there is a very specific reason: his name is Etienne 🤵
We need a class of @Etienne about coding for PPG University! So PPG is always safe! 😛 And Etienne will deserve a new emoji: 🤵♂️ ➡️ 🧑🎓
Hehe i'm proud of it 😎😁
That is really cool @Simone724!! You get the loyal PPG award!! 🏆
Welcome on PPG! I hope that you like it a lot. And if you have questions you can ask anybody who is active on the forum of course. Have a nice day and happy smiles from Yue 🌸🌸✨✨