creepy things that happened to you online

  • 76
  • 6
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share your experiences!

Eeehhh, to much.

Eeehhh, to much.
tell them

A stupid body wanting to have sex at midnight in the backyard?

A stupid body wanting to have sex at midnight in the backyard?
If its a pretty woman... why not then.. i would😁

If its a pretty woman... why not then.. i would😁
Be my guest. I would punch him in his face.

Be my guest. I would punch him in his face.
A boy😱... then not. Only ladies 😁

Be my guest. I would punch him in his face.
he was just gay maybe

A creepy guy send me a traumatic video for me it was horrible

A creepy guy send me a traumatic video for me it was horrible
it happened to me also,one time it was a girl to send it...

Or maybe he was like me 😁

Or maybe he was like me 😁
so gay?

so gay?
Yes he is

he was just gay maybe
I dont believe that. In his profile he sad he was going for women.

There was this girl and she wanted to online date wit me but like I don't do that so I rejected her... and then she started one of those Instagram live things and like 60 diff people joined yk including me cus why not and she was all "imma kill myself cus I was rejected" and then got a knife and I for real thought she was finna kill herself but she just started cutting and SHE WAS CUTTIN DEEP MAN on live then I blocked her cus shes mentally unstable idk if that counts as creepy tho shes just weird in my opinion🗿

but the backyard sex thing
crazyyy 😭

There was this girl and she wanted to online date wit me but like I don't do that so I rejected her... and then she started one of those Instagram live things and like 60 diff people joined yk including me cus why not and she was all "imma kill myself cus I was rejected" and then got a knife and I for real thought she was finna kill herself but she just started cutting and SHE WAS CUTTIN DEEP MAN on live then I blocked her cus shes mentally unstable idk if that counts as creepy tho shes just weird in my opinion🗿