Toscana!toscanaDi quale regione italiana sei originaria?Aaahhmm No!yes you two really do if you get mad because i asked azmin a normal question,just stfu for one time
Toscana!toscanaDi quale regione italiana sei originaria?Aaahhmm No!yes you two really do if you get mad because i asked azmin a normal question,just stfu for one time
Ecco perchè sei così espansivaToscana!toscanaDi quale regione italiana sei originaria?Aaahhmm No!yes you two really do if you get mad because i asked azmin a normal question,just stfu for one time
haha in realtà per niente,sono una persona timida e introversa a livelli davvero estremi (quasi ansia sociale a volte) però online questa cosa naturalmente non si notaEcco perchè sei così espansivaToscana!toscanaDi quale regione italiana sei originaria?Aaahhmm No!yes you two really do if you get mad because i asked azmin a normal question,just stfu for one time
Step 1 Spill drink on the floor.I don't like parties sir AzminStep 2 Eat all the food available.
Step 3 Knock the disco ball off the ceiling. (Be careful with it)
Step 4 Pull the tablecloth off the table so everything falls off.
Step 5 Take your favourite items such as LEGO bricks and leave them everywhere.
Yirrra!!!! It was just a question!!!Do you go to parties? you said you hated night clubsAh shit! Here we go again...