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16 años,
16 años, de Suecia
You can describe what mine is like or the personality of some others that will join this forum
14 años,
14 años, de Sudáfrica
Ooohh interesting forum..
Well, you remind me of Cheryl Blossom from the Archie comics😅😝
52 años,
52 años, de Italia
16 años,
16 años, de Suecia
Ooohh interesting forum..
Well, you remind me of Cheryl Blossom from the Archie comics😅😝
omg i just checked it's true
14 años,
14 años, de Sudáfrica
Ooohh interesting forum..
Well, you remind me of Cheryl Blossom from the Archie comics😅😝
omg i just checked it's true
Yes, u remind me of her 100% 😝
You should read the comics, you can read it online too
14 años,
14 años, de Sudáfrica
Can we also describe other people's personalities here?
16 años,
16 años, de Suecia
Can we also describe other people's personalities here?
yes that was the point of the forum
14 años,
14 años, de Sudáfrica
Can we also describe other people's personalities here?
yes that was the point of the forum
Ok, so im too shy to start it now XD
16 años,
16 años, de Suecia
Can we also describe other people's personalities here?
yes that was the point of the forum
Ok, so im too shy to start it now XD
13 años,
13 años, de Italia
You can describe what mine is like or the personality of some others that will join this forum
Dark Humor girl🙃
16 años,
16 años, de Suecia
You can describe what mine is like or the personality of some others that will join this forum
Dark Humor girl🙃
hahah yes i like dark humor but not hardcore,like i don't make jokes about tragedies and stuff like that