kinds of people on ppg

  • 61
  • 5
  • 14

what kind of member are you? and what kind of member am i?

maddy: the girl who is obsessed with the forums

parsa and yue: the popular guys

christine and parsa: the best ''couple''

the ppg pretty babes: rose, arabian princess, christine

smart, wise and always kind: lir_elhan, happyvomsee, marc and he-art

the mega cool dudes: daniel, lawrence, landrover, pennerossa and paul

legends: etienne and parsa

happy cool sweet friends: annachiara, arabian nights and so many other PPG members!!!

the ppg pretty babes: rose, arabian princess, christine

smart, wise and always kind: lir_elhan, happyvomsee, marc and he-art

the mega cool dudes: daniel, lawrence, landrover, pennerossa and paul

legends: etienne and parsa

happy cool sweet friends: annachiara, arabian nights and so many other PPG members!!!

Thnx Yue... But you forget yourself in this list 😃
If someone adorable, kind, sweet and some moment shy ther's a place for you in this list 😃😃

Maybe put "the cutest girl in the world" to your list with your name : )

the ppg pretty babes: rose, arabian princess, christine

smart, wise and always kind: lir_elhan, happyvomsee, marc and he-art

the mega cool dudes: daniel, lawrence, landrover, pennerossa and paul

legends: etienne and parsa

happy cool sweet friends: annachiara, arabian nights and so many other PPG members!!!

You are for sure the sweetest and cutest here

There are some underrated people 🤔

Like amykippers, elenazyl , stacy_ , carfy , etc...

Amy was one of my first friends here back in 2020/2021 but now we lost contacts,she is for sure one of the most underrated people because she is not active,especially on the forums

Im NOT Maddy!!!! But i love the forums!~

Nice people who just disappeared randomly ....

Sad_facee, hannah, slincewang (or zheng idk😫) , fairy_wyridu (idk), alway_potterhead, manon, agata,camelia etcc...

Hannan deactivated the account?

Kale is NOT overrated!!!!!!

Krisjan is very under-rated

i really want to say that Emmi1711 is also very kind and super cool!!! 🆒🥰 she is very nice in the chats and she has the best music taste because she likes k-pop!! 🎙️📻 and she tries to remember birthdays so she can wish everybody happy birthday!! 😻🐧 so i make a new category and emmi is a ppg shiny star🌟⭐

the ppg pretty babes: rose, arabian princess, christine

smart, wise and always kind: lir_elhan, happyvomsee, marc and he-art

the mega cool dudes: daniel, lawrence, landrover, pennerossa and paul

legends: etienne and parsa

happy cool sweet friends: annachiara, arabian nights and so many other PPG members!!!

Ur super cool too😎🫵 🤭U should be in the "Happy cool sweet Friends"