Crush (★‿★)

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  • 16

Write your peron crush name or only the first letter
My is S 🤭

Please don’t remind me of him😭🙏

Ahah we already have manyyyy forums aboutttt crushes😬

P 😜


Is it weird to have a crush on some1 u made up in ur mind?😜

Is it weird to have a crush on some1 u made up in ur mind?😜

Is it weird to have a crush on some1 u made up in ur mind?😜
I mean like i imagine my future life like when I'm 16/17, and it's kind of like a fairytale scenario (but without magic, just realistic stuff).
I even created an imaginary love interest who fits all my preferences. It's probably not the healthiest habit, but hey, it's fun! XD

Whats a peron????

Whats a peron????
A fruit that unicorns likes to eat

My crush is C!😛

Jezus christ!!!!!!!!!

my crush is X!!!!!!!

Xi Jinping??

Xi Jinping??
just a cute girl

Mine's C

Mine is C, but his nickname starts with K