I'm surprised that Roseee didn't even try to defend her actions since she's mostly responsible for it.
Parsa started to create forums about different people for example,to laugh together and to talk about those people also with other penpals. And the forum “i love gym boys” is very old,and there were like 3 messages only.
This category of forums is called “anything and everything “ and it means that is literally for everything.
This site is for people of every age,and of course the teenagers are going to write stupid things sometimes,jokes,and things like that.
I don’t write anything inappropriate,so shut up.
Instead of blaming teenagers for making jokes,try to go to the serious categories of forums,there is the category about cultures,politics…
And just ignore the forums that you don’t like. Sometimes i saw some forums and i think they are cringe or weird,and i just ignore them because not everything can be suitable for me
There is NOTHING inappropriate in those jokes,so stfu please.
Jokes are part of socialising between teens and this website is made to make healthy relationships,everyone is free to write what they want,of course not if its inappropriate. (Maybe stop calling be roseeee,my name is rose)
I have been here since 2020 and i saw a looot of things,people doing all kind of stuffs here.
Forums are made to HAVE FUN,and to talk about everything we want.
When the adults were teenagers,they also made jokes like that…it’s normal…do you really expect a 11/12/13/14/15/16/17 yo to act like an adult?😭
We are not damaging the website,we are just having fun with silly things
Now,can i please go to sleep? Is 01.06 in the night here in sweden😭
We should stop this stupid drama,but it’s good to talk about things that needs to be fixed! We just have to do it like mature people.
And also,gym boys are so hot so of course they deserve a forum!^ ^