Stop making silly nonsense articles in the forum!

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I'm fed up with all the articles users are writing. They're inappropriate, boring and annoying. So stop writing in the forum if you have nothing to say.

Exactly!!! People we don't like when u talk about policy, vampires, vaccinations and generally when u do something other than watching TikTok 👿👿👿👿👿👿👿

Youth in the puberty who are addicted into social media and think they are friends.

They should better go out and bewahre that they dont pass their best years

Someone has finally told that! Indeed, there is no normal topics left, flood only.

Youth in the puberty who are addicted into social media and think they are friends.

They should better go out and bewahre that they dont pass their best years

Yeah yeah exactly 😡😡😡 when I was young kids didn't have phones, food but we all had been happier and healthier!!!!!!!

Roseee and other people should definitely stop it.

Roseee and other people should definitely stop it.
There's a special place for these heretics!!!!!

In hell 😈😈😈

Miss_Kitty :
In hell 😈😈😈

Exactly so. Miss_Kitty you are right about it because all these teenagers ruined the website.

Excuse me, but this site caters to a diverse range of users, including teens like myself
I understand that the content might not appeal to everyone, but many of us find the forums funny and interesting
Maybe we can find a way to accommodate different tastes and interests, rather than expecting teenagers to act like 20 and 40 yr olds.

Seriously? Stop writing nonsense. Roseee wrote the "I love gym boys" article. That's the dumbest one ever written in the forum.

Breaking News: Pen Pal Forums Inundated with Teenage Nonsense Articles

In a surprising turn of events, online pen pal forums have become overrun with nonsensical articles authored by teenagers, sparking concerns among enthusiasts of the time-honored tradition. What was once a platform for meaningful connections and cultural exchange has now been inundated with irrelevant content, leaving many to question the future of pen pal exchanges in the digital age.

Stay tuned as we bring you more updates on this developing story.

I'm surprised that Roseee didn't even try to defend her actions since she's mostly responsible for it.

I'm surprised that Roseee didn't even try to defend her actions since she's mostly responsible for it.
Parsa started to create forums about different people for example,to laugh together and to talk about those people also with other penpals. And the forum “i love gym boys” is very old,and there were like 3 messages only.
This category of forums is called “anything and everything “ and it means that is literally for everything.
This site is for people of every age,and of course the teenagers are going to write stupid things sometimes,jokes,and things like that.
I don’t write anything inappropriate,so shut up.
Instead of blaming teenagers for making jokes,try to go to the serious categories of forums,there is the category about cultures,politics…

And just ignore the forums that you don’t like. Sometimes i saw some forums and i think they are cringe or weird,and i just ignore them because not everything can be suitable for me

There is NOTHING inappropriate in those jokes,so stfu please.

Jokes are part of socialising between teens and this website is made to make healthy relationships,everyone is free to write what they want,of course not if its inappropriate. (Maybe stop calling be roseeee,my name is rose)

I have been here since 2020 and i saw a looot of things,people doing all kind of stuffs here.

Forums are made to HAVE FUN,and to talk about everything we want.
When the adults were teenagers,they also made jokes like that…it’s normal…do you really expect a 11/12/13/14/15/16/17 yo to act like an adult?😭
We are not damaging the website,we are just having fun with silly things
Now,can i please go to sleep? Is 01.06 in the night here in sweden😭

We should stop this stupid drama,but it’s good to talk about things that needs to be fixed! We just have to do it like mature people.

And also,gym boys are so hot so of course they deserve a forum!^ ^

Edited by Roseeeee .

I don't care whether someone writes nonsense on the forum or not. I read what interests me. Everyone should write how they like. Peace 🙂

Roseeee. You are lying. That article has so many comments.

I think maybe we can reduce the number of writing nonsense if we write one per person per week. Or we can use the chatroom.

Azmin , you are right , maybe (in some ways) .

But MAYBE Scaring people into doing something at this age, and about something so trivial, ends up making teenagers grow up to be cowards, at least in my opinion. Let us make mistakes, make mistakes and make mistakes, just as you made mistakes ,you are making mistakes, and you will make mistakes forever.

If we dont do that , how can we become mature and wise ? 🙂

agree with u ,little pony!😛😛😛😛🙂"😃