Daily Average screen time

  • 62
  • 8
  • 13

Whats your Daily Average screen time ?

like 6-7-8 hours sometimes it can be 9

but sometimes only 5

My average is like 7-8 hours I think. There are days when my screen time is like 2-4 hours but sometimes it's 10+

I know ppl thats screen time are like 10-12 hrs

Between 2 and 30 minutes

Between 2 and 30 minutes
Impossible, ur on PPG alone for wayy more than that

Impossible, ur on PPG alone for wayy more than that

Impossible, ur on PPG alone for wayy more than that
But ive got farm work to do too, and now only my father knows im here on ppg.

5-8 Hours

With my work around 14 hours (i know it's a lot lol😛😛)
If i not work then arond 2 - 3 hours

On an athletics fixture sometimes 15-16… but average is 4 and a half, still too much I think, but 2 hours of that is going to school and back

6 hours probably. But my parents put restrictions on my phone for this Summer🙄With restrictions about 3/4 hours. You guys are worse than I thinked you would be, my parents Say: uR oN tHe pHoNe fOr WaYy tO0 lOnG, oThErS aRe nOt lIkE tHiS