Reasons why I have to study

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please motivate me guys. I'm desperate (:

The reason for which is necessary study is that if you want to understand the world do you need to have all the instruments. Studing, reading or be interested in thinks, is the best method to have a privileged point of view and form your personal opinion, otherwise you'll always be just another little dot.

please motivate me guys. I'm desperate (:
You can't ask others for that, you have to find your own source of motivation and, more than that, if it's relevant to study (I suppose at school) a lot for you.
For instance, do you know more or less what would you want to do later?
Else, what do you enjoy to do? What do you like in general? What is fun to learn about for you?

You can also see these questions in another form of answer: Study for yourself, first, and not for others. If you don't do it and that you need it for any reason, then that will only be your loss and you might end up wasting some years, which is - from my experience - not the funniest thing to do.

There's a method, I think it's called pomodoro method. Try studying for one topic for 30 minutes, then take a 5 minute break (this is ONE pomodoro). Study for another instance of 30 minutes and so on. This keeps you motivated and focused. After three pomodori you take a longer break of approximately 20 minutes and walk around or something, but move, so you don't just sit. If there's still stuff you need to study for, go on with another 3 pomodori.
Also, chewing gum, listening to classical music and drinking WATER (not energy drinks or coke or whatever) keeps you focused and motivated.
I hope this helps (:

Why do we have to study? It is told that once, long ago: "The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet." and I think that "Education is the invisible bars which keep Our Inner Ape under control." There comes the crucial question: "Do we really want to live as an ape who is fed by the fruits of others?" If yes, nothing to do. If no, start to taste the roots.

Wow I love the way that you guys answered, most people would have just made a list of reasons why I should study and call it a day, but you guys gave me something better: many little lessons that make you think abut the final objective. I will never thank you guys enough <3

Wow thank you so much Lir, it really means a lot to me.

Making instargram , tiktok reels , bunking class , being in relationships, is normal . But high grades , top-notch respect , having high bank balance like your phone number is rare . so to be rare you have to do something. That's not normal , study hard .

Dream on, and in 5 or 10 years, you'll be enjoying the sunshine from your mansion. Your servant awaits with morning coffee. Birds flutter here and there in your garden. Your driver cleans your supercars. Big companies wait at your gate to discuss business deals with you until the gate opens. So study well🤗

I never said you have to study to earn money. Study hard and earn money and help all the poor people. Do something for people in a way they never imagined. Doesn't it make us happy if we make someone happy? 😍

So let's make the poor think that there are still some people in the world thinking about them. So let's study, help everyone and live a peaceful life . 💌

I study because I love learning new things and to earn money too. I think knowledge brings power and help us to create wealth.

Just think about the money u will earn in the future lmao helps a lot