Most people want to live a traditional life, but are afraid of how society will view it.
I don't believe that for one second. Maybe men do, because their the one profiting from it in most cases. But most of the women, at least in the bubble I'm in, don't.
Maybe, but i feel like many women really do want to be independent. And thats all good, im all for it and support them! I just wish my position wasnt looked down upon so much.
I totally agree with you. Everyone should find a style of life that works for them.
If you want to be a housewife and have your partner bring the money home: go live that life and enjoy it.
If a man wants to stay at home and let his partner bring the money, that's great too.
If all parties want to work and keep their finances seperate, that's fine.
As long as all parties are happy with everything it's great and nobody should judge them. Unless obviously someone was manipulated to feel this way, or any other weird stuff was involved.
I think it's really important to recognize that your idea of a perfect life doesn't work for most people, and not try to force it on them.
About you specifically however: I think you should be really careful. I'm sure your dad is amazing and the chances of him leaving you are obviously really low because he's your dad, but if you ever have a significant other that might not be the case. If you decide to dedicate 100% of your life to them, you are actually left with nothing if one of you decides to leave. You should make sure you have the education and ability to get a job, in case things break apart.
I've read a few horror stories online where one partner turned out really toxic but the other couldn't really leave because they had no money and nowhere to go.
Please make sure you're safe. <3