👉What do you think about the climate change?👈

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🌍Please write it down here! 🌎

Nothing! Hysteric idiotic pseudo religion!

What do you mean?

I am curious for his convincing arguments😁

I am curious for his convincing arguments😁

Pretext to excuse the implementing UE' dangerous laws, to make people poorer and limited in things like traveling, eating, buying stuff.

Climate is changing but we have no evidence that human is main factor of that.

And even if we will be doing everything to stop CO2 emission, it won't change the climate changes (if we assume it's the reason), because rest of the world doesn't care about it. Asia, Africa, America.

UE is very immoral and blind in this. Probably just corrupted, like always.

Why it is a: „Hysteric idiotic pseudo religion“
I have studied european energy business in AT and NL, so I had the chance to talk with scientists about the anthropogenic (=mankind) greenhouse effect, that accelerates the climate change.
And now I am just curious what kind of fair arguments he brings. 😉

Pretext to excuse the implementing UE' dangerous laws, to make people poorer and limited in things like traveling, eating, buying stuff.

Climate is changing but we have no evidence that human is main factor of that.

And even if we will be doing everything to stop CO2 emission, it won't change the climate changes (if we assume it's the reason), because rest of the world doesn't care about it. Asia, Africa, America.

UE is very immoral and blind in this. Probably just corrupted, like always.

Ehm read this, then you will see that mankind has a big impact.

Pretext to excuse the implementing UE' dangerous laws, to make people poorer and limited in things like traveling, eating, buying stuff.

Climate is changing but we have no evidence that human is main factor of that.

And even if we will be doing everything to stop CO2 emission, it won't change the climate changes (if we assume it's the reason), because rest of the world doesn't care about it. Asia, Africa, America.

UE is very immoral and blind in this. Probably just corrupted, like always.

And concerning the eu - don‘t you know the „Brussels“ effect? Being a rolemodel for the rest of the world? Persuasive because of its big market?

Pretext to excuse the implementing UE' dangerous laws, to make people poorer and limited in things like traveling, eating, buying stuff.

Climate is changing but we have no evidence that human is main factor of that.

And even if we will be doing everything to stop CO2 emission, it won't change the climate changes (if we assume it's the reason), because rest of the world doesn't care about it. Asia, Africa, America.

UE is very immoral and blind in this. Probably just corrupted, like always.

And concerning the eu - don‘t you know the „Brussels“ effect? Being a rolemodel for the rest of the world? Persuasive because of its big market?

You must be kidding me. Tell me how UE is the rolemodel for rest of the world. And when will we start affecting this rest of the world? Because as far as I know, UE is the weakest guy in the room, between China and US.

Its third market, and being market doesn't mean You are persuasive. Anu Bradford narration seems to me like talking about things that somehow happened because of UE, about some influences and restrictions that doesn't have crucial meaning for the world and geopolitics. And even she sounds like it happened accidentally.

But surely UE politics like Macron with entrepreneurs, Von Der Leyen (almost ignored) and Bearbock went to China to show UE strenght and influence we have on them.

Bearbeitet von Oxiu .



https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2770634 !!!!!!


It is so exhausting that I have to google for you. Are you an internettroll? Here I have some facts how the EU makes an impact on the world.

And how do you measure the EU as the weakest? Concerning the GDP per capita EU is much stronger than China!

Why do you not underpin your claims with data?

But I do not want to argue now. I gave lots of things to read. If you like, read them!

Thank you for the discussion! 😄

But I do not want to argue now. I gave lots of things to read. If you like, read them!

Thank you for the discussion! 😄

No, I should somehow answer. I aprecciate that You are using data, not just empty phrases, so You can cover Your words wih something You consider as reliable.


UE population: ~447 000 000 citizens (6,9% of the world)
BRICS population: ~3 240 000 000 citizens (40% of the world)
USA population: ~331 000 000 citizens (4,25% of the world)

GDP of UE: 14,85% of total world GDP
GDP of BRICS: 31,5% of total world GDP
GDP of US: 24,15% of total world GDP


Some countries are changing their trading currencies for Yuan, leaving the Dollar, like Brasil

Saudi Arabia also seems to soon accepts Yuan for the oil.

Smaller countries of Latin America or Africa still wants to join the BRICS, and China are investing there really intensively.

Just look at their investment in the biggest (at least as far as they know for now) lithium deposits:

What are we using lithium for? For electric cars of course, among other stuff. Generally, batteries.
This, and Taiwan, that China and USA are fighting for, and as we know Taiwan is the biggest micro components producer in the world.

Compare the policies and politics of the US, BRICS, EU, their speach.
Compare the armies and how ethical or ruthless they can be to achieve goals. Pragmatic, aimed in domination, far-reaching goals they talk about and trying to achieve.

CO2 emissions, but Im sure You actually are aware of it:

And while I aprreciate the pro consumer UE laws that UE sometimes implement, the data all over the world is still one of the most valuable product, it's still traded, and You can see this in the ads You see in Your computer or phone.

But these things doesn't rule the world. Companies in the China are doing completely differently than in UE.
While Asia is still opening new coal mines and power stations:

The Germany are closing the Atom power stations !!!

Oh, and probably the most important factor, demography:

BRICS is investing in Africa more than UE:

While China have problem with demography like we do, the Latin America and Africa countries don't have this problem. It's well known actually that the economical weakest countries have bigger birth rate, so they have bigger potential in cultural and "cheap labor" fields.

I don't believe in UE influencing the world in crucial and important meaning, and Im terrified when think about UE giving up the coal energy (without stabile alternative) and growing up potential, for delusion of changing the world. While we will live in tiny appartments, without cars and holidays, countries outside EU will be continuing conquering the world and soon they will just crush our old society with their companies, technological and economical and even freedom(!!!) advantages.

Of course we will be paying big money for lithium and components to China or United States, like for almost all other stuff we are buying in shops.

I don't have to mention the military aspect? It's very obvious, that Russia or China still put huge efforts on producing weapons, ammunition and just keep their military potential.

They may have not the best soldiers and commandership, and even experience (China), but they keep ability to using this "tool" as pressure and argument in political discussions and efforts.
Like Clausewitz said: “war is not merely a political act but a real political instrument, a continuation of political intercourse, a carrying out of the same by other means,”

Europe lies on the floor with military potential. We are not prepared for long war, and we can't use this as tool in the way that China or even Russia are ready to use. We all the time count on United States, if something happen.

That is... why I can't agree with Climate Policy or "Brussel effect".

Ok 👌

It's so incredibly serious and I am insanely scared of the future because of it.

Humans are at fault for it and we need to stop being so unbelievably reckless when it comes to the literally most important thing for our life: This planet.
I hate how uncaring we are about the planet that gives us everything. We can't live once we've made it uninhabitable for us. We throw tons of plastic and other trash in the ocean, cause animals to lose their natural habitat in favour of housing or fields or industries or whatever, we are the worst thing that could've happened to this planet.

And I am constantly shocked by how companies and politicians continuously choose money over life. How they choose to harm the planet we live on, in favour of having more money in their bank accounts. Their money won't matter when the sea levels rise enough to force people to flee their homes, when several species have gone extinct, when natural catastrophes cause death, when their own children won't have a planet to live on any more. Yet they still sell our future to buy a nice vacation home.

And it's infuriating to know that I personally can't do anything about it because I don't have any power whatsoever. And the people who do have the power for change are too egoistical to do anything.

And honestly I might find it even more upsetting when other average people like me closer their eyes to it. My dad used to argue that "maybe humans don't even have anything to do with climate change", but thankfully his opinion changed. It's insane how people can close their eyes to a bunch of facts and logic.

If everyone understood the importance of fixing this situation, we could make a change. This isn't just something you can close your eyes to and pretend it'll go away. This is literally a life or death situation. We are literally walking straight into our death because money and our own comfort is more important than making sure we can survive on this planet.

It's ridiculous and it makes me angry.

Climate is changing but we have no evidence that human is main factor of that.
Yes we do. However, you are very right when you say that it is used as a pretext to implement liberticids laws/reforms and that us moving to reduce our emissions won't have a huge effect if developping countries don't care at all about global warming. Still, if global warming is used, if a problem is brandished and used as a thhreat, it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. It only means that some people are taking an opportunity to use people's fear for their own sake.

UE is very immoral and blind in this. Probably just corrupted, like always.
I'd argue that UE is very immoral and blind on almost everything...

Pretext to excuse the implementing UE' dangerous laws, to make people poorer and limited in things like traveling, eating, buying stuff.

Climate is changing but we have no evidence that human is main factor of that.

And even if we will be doing everything to stop CO2 emission, it won't change the climate changes (if we assume it's the reason), because rest of the world doesn't care about it. Asia, Africa, America.

UE is very immoral and blind in this. Probably just corrupted, like always.

And concerning the eu - don‘t you know the „Brussels“ effect? Being a rolemodel for the rest of the world? Persuasive because of its big market?
One must really be dreaming to think that EU is a rolemodel and not a carpet... Like Oxiu said, Macron humiliated himself in China, and so did Van Der Leyen when she had to go back by normal airline because China didn't consider her at all.
Further, your sources are not reliable. If I say that I'm the greatest in the world, I shouldn't be used as a source to prove so. That's exactly what you did for Eu claiming to be great, and climate change to exist with a pro-climate change source. Same goes with your microsoft link; a private company can say anything to escape problem, but applying and saying are different things.

A good example on how Brussel's effect is bullshit and companies do whatever they want is the honey market: China's honey is supposedly banned in EU because of how fake it is. You still have it everywhere. Same goes for Russian energy, but it's just more expensive and not labelled as Russian (or Chinese for the honey).

Thhus, it seems unlikely that anything, even if it was effective and not fishy contributions to reduce global warming effects would not have much effect on the world. It's also forgetting that EU and event he US are already reducing (not enough) their emissions, yet other countries don't care about it at all because, surprise, they want to reach our level and be better than us.


there are too many people in the world and therefore the production is high, this is the biggest reason

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