What meaningful book do you suggest me to read?

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wish for reply!

Adam Smith, The wealth of nations

I suggest you read the series "Cat Warrior", which is very interesting. The protagonist is a group of cats

If you like fantasy books the ''Cruel Prince'' Holly Black, is great.

"Kafka On The Shore"

By Haruki Murakami

Also, "The 48 Laws of Power" by Robert Greene. It's an interesting book.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R Covey

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Discourse on Voluntary Servitude - Etienne de La Boétie.

There are a lot of references about european cultures in it, especially greek antiquity so you might not have all the background to understand them all, but the idea conveyed mostly that people are responsible for a tyrant to rule on them) doesn't really recquire to know them. If you are curious though, you can learn much more than just the content of the book and extend it to knowledge about what shaped european civilizations like France or Italy.

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