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Fakes and stereotypes about Russia

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More often than not, the average Western user thinks that Russia has ancient medicine and people are dying like flies. I would like to destroy this stereotype, just like the stereotype - Russians are all alcoholics, and Russians are the mafia. Just don't write provocations. I will ignore it. If you don't know something about life in Russia, ask me. It makes no sense for me to lie or embellish.

igor643님이 수정했습니다. .
More often than not, the average Western user thinks that Russia has ancient medicine and people are dying like flies. I would like to destroy this stereotype, just like the stereotype - Russians are all alcoholics, and Russians are the mafia. Just don't write provocations. I will ignore it. If you don't know something about life in Russia, ask me. It makes no sense for me to lie or embellish.
Продолжение. Западные СМИ выкладывают фейки относительно России и верят своему обману, который сами изобрели. Например. Село Буча в Украине. Российские войска освободили это село от Нацистов и пошли дальше. В Этот момент Украинские нацисты, которые сидели в засаде, напали на село. Население вышло на улицы из подвалов, думая, что это вернулись Русские. Однако - в них полетели автоматные очереди и более тридцати человек было убито. Потом нацисты железными крючками стаскивали трупы на дорогу и снимали видео, чти эти люди были убиты русскими ракетами . Ни одной воронки от ракет на дорогах не было. Эта чудовищная ложь облетела весь мио. Все Западные СМИ растиражировали этой фейк для своих граждан, чтобы превратить Россию в монстра.

Streams of lies are being spewed from the Western media onto the minds and heads of Europeans. Price increases, inflation in the West, are hitting the pockets of Westerners. And everything is blamed on Russia, allegedly because Russia has cut off gas and oil supplies. But this was done by the US itself and its accomplices in Europe, who imposed these restrictions themselves at the behest of the US. All the blame is placed on Russia. How twisted can you get in making false accusations? Now they are urgently lifting their sanctions every day before winter. Conclusion: the entire Western and US policy towards Russia is based on "Ponts", on fear. But it didn't work. Now Russia will stick to market prices and market relations with everyone. And let Europe freeze because of its stupidity. Asia will prosper because 60% of Russia's resources are turned to the east and the Asian region. Let Europe depend on the US with its liquefied gas and super high prices. "Swap the shill for the soap."

Another fake about Russia:
Russia has bombed the port of Odessa, so no Ukrainian grain can be taken out of there.
In fact, when Russia started destroying military facilities in Nikolaev (Odessa region), Ukraine carried out urgent bombing of the Odessa port and the Black Sea area near the port of Odessa. This was done by Ukraine out of fear of a military landing in the port of Odessa. The port of Odessa and the Black Sea are still not mined by Ukraine. Ukraine is speculating on this, spreading fakes around the world that it is impossible to leave the port because of Russia. Russia and Turkey have agreed that the Black Sea water area will be controlled by these two countries, provided Ukraine clears Odessa port and the area around the port.


I wish no one would have responded to this forum, but now here we are.
This is absurd! That Ukraine commits suicid on a daily basis to gain sympathy, Russia is the big whiner for sympathy in the world.

The Russian president betrayed the people of Russia who are against the war. Obviously I’m saying that thank God there are sane people out there who ARE against this idiocy. Many foreigners actually believe that every soul who lives in Russia supports this “special mission”. Not to be rude or anything, but wtf is this supposed to be called?!

The Russian president betrayed the people of Russia who are against the war. Obviously I’m saying that thank God there are sane people out there who ARE against this idiocy. Many foreigners actually believe that every soul who lives in Russia supports this “special mission”. Not to be rude or anything, but wtf is this supposed to be called?!
The Russian president betrayed the people of Russia who are against the war. Obviously I’m saying that thank God there are sane people out there who ARE against this idiocy. Many foreigners actually believe that every soul who lives in Russia supports this “special mission”. Not to be rude or anything, but wtf is this supposed to be called?!
How can you talk about what Russian people think? You know nothing about Russian people and have never been to Russia to judge Russian people. You are a parrot who repeats the nonsense of the Western media. Putin's rating among Russian people is off the charts. Putin will destroy Nazism in Ukraine and make Ukraine a republic, within Russia. The USSR will revive and intimidate the West with its presence and its wealth just as it did in the old days. And the West will never defeat Russia with any sanctions. Russia should be a friend and a trade partner, but not a war monger. Otherwise it will turn Europe and the USA into dust ! We must live in friendship. This is the lifeblood of human civilization.

Hi Igor, I don´t think that Russians are alcoholics and I also don´t think that they use ancient medicine. Quite the reverse! I´m convinced that Russia was the winner in the race to the moon. They sent the first man in to space. They placed the first satellite in the orbit of earth. Russia has a great history and had good relationsship to European countries. Peter III and also Catherine the great were Germans on the Russian throne. There had always been a bond between Russians and western Europeans and it also should be like that nowadays but that ist not possible if someone is interrested in territorial expansion. What would Russia say, when Germany wants back Königsberg? (Kaliningrad)

The Russian president betrayed the people of Russia who are against the war. Obviously I’m saying that thank God there are sane people out there who ARE against this idiocy. Many foreigners actually believe that every soul who lives in Russia supports this “special mission”. Not to be rude or anything, but wtf is this supposed to be called?!
The Russian president betrayed the people of Russia who are against the war. Obviously I’m saying that thank God there are sane people out there who ARE against this idiocy. Many foreigners actually believe that every soul who lives in Russia supports this “special mission”. Not to be rude or anything, but wtf is this supposed to be called?!
How can you talk about what Russian people think? You know nothing about Russian people and have never been to Russia to judge Russian people. You are a parrot who repeats the nonsense of the Western media. Putin's rating among Russian people is off the charts. Putin will destroy Nazism in Ukraine and make Ukraine a republic, within Russia. The USSR will revive and intimidate the West with its presence and its wealth just as it did in the old days. And the West will never defeat Russia with any sanctions. Russia should be a friend and a trade partner, but not a war monger. Otherwise it will turn Europe and the USA into dust ! We must live in friendship. This is the lifeblood of human civilization.

And YOU are listening to what people tell you to think! You don’t have your own opinion. I AM FROM RUSSIA, I JUST CURRENTLY LIVE IN INDONESIA!

Putin IS the representation of nazism! Aren’t you worried about the dark future of the Russia that it might have?! Aren’t you worried about the children?! The innocent citizens of Ukraine?! And you might be saying: “You coward! Hiding in Indonesia!’ Maybe you’re not though, but I don’t care! Well, guess what! I am hiding! And I wish that all the remaining sane people in Russia would fight against the war, but I just can’t, because people like YOU aren’t good at listening to normal citizens who don’t appear on social media and have nothing to do with war!! Also hearing people say that I’m too young to have my own opinion, I should listen to what adults say is in fact very old-fashioned and overrated! Why should I listen to YOU, FASCISTS?!

Ten_Bezdelnitzy님이 수정했습니다. .
Hi Igor, I don´t think that Russians are alcoholics and I also don´t think that they use ancient medicine. Quite the reverse! I´m convinced that Russia was the winner in the race to the moon. They sent the first man in to space. They placed the first satellite in the orbit of earth. Russia has a great history and had good relationsship to European countries. Peter III and also Catherine the great were Germans on the Russian throne. There had always been a bond between Russians and western Europeans and it also should be like that nowadays but that ist not possible if someone is interrested in territorial expansion. What would Russia say, when Germany wants back Königsberg? (Kaliningrad)
Hi Igor, I don´t think that Russians are alcoholics and I also don´t think that they use ancient medicine. Quite the reverse! I´m convinced that Russia was the winner in the race to the moon. They sent the first man in to space. They placed the first satellite in the orbit of earth. Russia has a great history and had good relationsship to European countries. Peter III and also Catherine the great were Germans on the Russian throne. There had always been a bond between Russians and western Europeans and it also should be like that nowadays but that ist not possible if someone is interrested in territorial expansion. What would Russia say, when Germany wants back Königsberg? (Kaliningrad)
Hi Igor, I don´t think that Russians are alcoholics and I also don´t think that they use ancient medicine. Quite the reverse! I´m convinced that Russia was the winner in the race to the moon. They sent the first man in to space. They placed the first satellite in the orbit of earth. Russia has a great history and had good relationsship to European countries. Peter III and also Catherine the great were Germans on the Russian throne. There had always been a bond between Russians and western Europeans and it also should be like that nowadays but that ist not possible if someone is interrested in territorial expansion. What would Russia say, when Germany wants back Königsberg? (Kaliningrad)
Hi. Yes . Russia and Germany have a lot in common. Moving forward in the time of Peter the Great and moving backwards in the time of Hitler. Bismarck understood and warned Germany and future chancellors - you can't go to war with Russia. It is necessary to trade with Russia. But Germany, as always, "stepped on a rake" and the rake hit it on the forehead once again. Conclusion - we should have a memory and remember Bismarck more often.
About Konigsberg.
Don't be like the former Japanese Prime Minister Abe. He vowed to return the Kuril Islands. Another samurai killed him for it - for failing to fulfil his oath - the samurai is executed. Abe got what he deserved.
Why don't you make claims on Poland? Gdansk is the former Danzig. Demand that Poland return Danzig and a bunch of other German lands that have been ceded to Poland as a result of the war. Why don't you demand it? Do you think that you can only lay claim to Russia?
600,000 Red Army soldiers died liberating Königsberg from fascism. For the liberation of Berlin - more than 700 thousand. Gorbachev sold the GDR to West Germany for a piece of sandwich - This is a comparison from Chancellor Kohl. Do you not take that into account? Thanks to the policies of the USSR and its non-interference - Germany has risen economically. So what ? Do you think we will continue to peddle the memory of those soldiers who died for German freedom? Do you think that we will allow Nazism to revive in Ukraine? The reorganization of the world ended in 1945. But some countries, as we can see, want to shake arms, following the example of the USA (Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia). The U.S. took advantage of the instability in the USSR and tries to change the world according to the old rules. But as God sees it, times have passed. Putin came and started to restore the balance. And he will establish this equilibrium in the world, in an alliance with China. Nazism will not pass in Ukraine or any other country. We have lived in peace for 77 years. It is only now, to prevent World War III, that we have launched an operation to eradicate Nazism in Ukraine. Russia will not allow a third world war to break out.

By the way. Russia's world ranking for alcoholism, ranks 17th only. First place goes to England.
The old stereotypes of Western propaganda, like - in Russia there are bears running through the streets...or Russians play balalaikas and drink vodka like alcoholics...Hollywood gives it a go - promoting this nonsense. When I hear people say that - I understand - this person is crazy and I stop any contact with him

Propagandas mostly exist in Russia. Those websites are FAKE!

Russia's world ranking for alcoholism, ranks 17th only. First place goes to England.

Woo! We're number 1!

Russia's world ranking for alcoholism, ranks 17th only. First place goes to England.

Woo! We're number 1!

The only person who isn't talking about politics here.At last.

If I'd be honest, most of this topic is related to CURRENT fakes and stereotypes(or not, nobody can know the truth about politics) but not the ones that persisted. I think we shouldn't discuss politics here as already 2 topics exist where people do all the arguing and fighting in that manner. Why not discuss other stereotypes, like the balalaikas and bears? 😆
For example, I recently learned that many people think it's cold everywhere in Russia. It's wrong, Russia is a vast country and it has even some hot places. The capital and my home city (Saint-Petersburg) have chill weather in Spring and Autumn and the cold only persists in Winter. While in Summer it can be even hot(at least for Russians).

More often than not, the average Western user thinks that Russia has ancient medicine and people are dying like flies. I would like to destroy this stereotype, just like the stereotype - Russians are all alcoholics, and Russians are the mafia. Just don't write provocations. I will ignore it. If you don't know something about life in Russia, ask me. It makes no sense for me to lie or embellish.
There is no smoke without fire though. Alcoholism and mafia exist in Russia, the same as baguette and cigarette is/has been something in France. It doesn't mean that it defines what Russia, and especially Russians are, but it surely has an influence on the identity there.
I've never heard about the stereotype saying that Russia has a traditional medicine and that people die like flies (except from alcoholism/being Russian who do crazy stuff maybe).

Lianshen님이 수정했습니다. .
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