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Fakes and stereotypes about Russia

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Price increases, inflation in the West, are hitting the pockets of Westerners. And everything is blamed on Russia, allegedly because Russia has cut off gas and oil supplies. But this was done by the US itself and its accomplices in Europe, who imposed these restrictions themselves at the behest of the US.
No, the reasons are more complexes than that, and inflation started prior the war in Ukraine, but the blame is indeed on Russia and Covid if you only listen to mainstream medias/government here. Can you really blame EU for that though? Because Russia more or less do the same, and the only other way for EU to explain the rise of prices and the shit we are in would be to say that they are incompetent and retarded lazyass (which they are), and we know that they would never acknowledge these facts.

Russia has bombed the port of Odessa, so no Ukrainian grain can be taken out of there.
France is self sufficient in wheat and one of the main exporting countries from what I remember, so the rise of the wheat in the recent months couldn't be explained no matter what happened in Ukraine. The truth would lie more into meteorological causes or the fact that we are stupid enought o be ultra-liberal and to follow the price of wheat on a global level rather than sustaining ourselves for a reasonable price (which also happen with electricity in France, which is mostly nuclear and hydroelectric, yet set on gas prices, hence skyrocketting for no acceptable reason).

Igor, stop this bullshit. Putin invaded Ukraine, and that's a fact. The whole story about some mysterious nasizm is just excuse for stupid people. If anything, we could say that nasizm exists everywhere. But You are trying to sell it as in absurdal scale.

But thats enough, and I believe it's the last time, when Russia tries to be ambitious empire. You will not even defeat the Ukraine, we will send them more weapon. You will need decades to rebuilt Your army. The only thing that makes Russia as threat is nuclear weapon.

You are trying to blame everyone for hatred aimed at Russia. As if whole world would be Your enemy.

You are trying to talk about history, what other countries do/did, but at the and, all of You, who are defending Russia, says:

"But it's a special operation, to prevent NATO from threating us, and to eliminate nazis".

Stupid and naive as few years old kid.
And Your excitement and finding Abe death as something good - it makes You less reliable and less good person.

//Ps. Red army wasn't liberating. They were conquering.
//Ps. USSR has let germany rise economically... Uh. Okay, it's so stupid sentence - You ran away from east germany because people didn't want to live in this sick system. It's not decision of Soviet Union, it was collapse of Soviet Union.

Russia can't even get the half of Ukraine, how You Imagine Your country, as someone who can build new balance in the world? Russia never had any qualifications to do that. You can't even take care of mess in Your own country.
You made up enemies, like: spoiled west, nazis, people who thinks about Russians as alcoholics (sure, why to not invade countries where some people don't like Russia?).
So stop sending these barbarian hordes to europe! You do this so many times in the history, really. Let us live normally. You will never be empire again, deal with it and grow up.

You are lying, lying, lying.

Russia's world ranking for alcoholism, ranks 17th only. First place goes to England.

Woo! We're number 1!

I wish I could stay that calm in different kinds of situations like you…))

Igor, stop this bullshit. Putin invaded Ukraine, and that's a fact. The whole story about some mysterious nasizm is just excuse for stupid people. If anything, we could say that nasizm exists everywhere. But You are trying to sell it as in absurdal scale.

But thats enough, and I believe it's the last time, when Russia tries to be ambitious empire. You will not even defeat the Ukraine, we will send them more weapon. You will need decades to rebuilt Your army. The only thing that makes Russia as threat is nuclear weapon.

You are trying to blame everyone for hatred aimed at Russia. As if whole world would be Your enemy.

You are trying to talk about history, what other countries do/did, but at the and, all of You, who are defending Russia, says:

"But it's a special operation, to prevent NATO from threating us, and to eliminate nazis".

Stupid and naive as few years old kid.
And Your excitement and finding Abe death as something good - it makes You less reliable and less good person.

//Ps. Red army wasn't liberating. They were conquering.
//Ps. USSR has let germany rise economically... Uh. Okay, it's so stupid sentence - You ran away from east germany because people didn't want to live in this sick system. It's not decision of Soviet Union, it was collapse of Soviet Union.

Russia can't even get the half of Ukraine, how You Imagine Your country, as someone who can build new balance in the world? Russia never had any qualifications to do that. You can't even take care of mess in Your own country.
You made up enemies, like: spoiled west, nazis, people who thinks about Russians as alcoholics (sure, why to not invade countries where some people don't like Russia?).
So stop sending these barbarian hordes to europe! You do this so many times in the history, really. Let us live normally. You will never be empire again, deal with it and grow up.

You are lying, lying, lying.

Not to sound like a play along, but you are ABSOLUTELY right, Oxiu!

The Russian president betrayed the people of Russia who are against the war. Obviously I’m saying that thank God there are sane people out there who ARE against this idiocy. Many foreigners actually believe that every soul who lives in Russia supports this “special mission”. Not to be rude or anything, but wtf is this supposed to be called?!
The Russian president betrayed the people of Russia who are against the war. Obviously I’m saying that thank God there are sane people out there who ARE against this idiocy. Many foreigners actually believe that every soul who lives in Russia supports this “special mission”. Not to be rude or anything, but wtf is this supposed to be called?!
How can you talk about what Russian people think? You know nothing about Russian people and have never been to Russia to judge Russian people. You are a parrot who repeats the nonsense of the Western media. Putin's rating among Russian people is off the charts. Putin will destroy Nazism in Ukraine and make Ukraine a republic, within Russia. The USSR will revive and intimidate the West with its presence and its wealth just as it did in the old days. And the West will never defeat Russia with any sanctions. Russia should be a friend and a trade partner, but not a war monger. Otherwise it will turn Europe and the USA into dust ! We must live in friendship. This is the lifeblood of human civilization.

Совершенно не согласен! К сожалению уже в таком возрасте приходится знать о таких ужасных вещах. Что я отвечу? Ну, в Украине нацистов не меньше чем в России и нам надо разобраться сначало со своими проблемами, потом уже лезть в другую страну. По сути Россия сама становится фашистским государством а не как многие считают государством освободителем. Посмотрим что вы ответите на это?

Возможно в Западных СМИ действительно есть фейки, но их во много раз меньше чем в наших, российских СМИ. Фактически, государственные каналы в России являются источником, изобилующим фейками и ложью.

Возможно в Западных СМИ действительно есть фейки, но их во много раз меньше чем в наших, российских СМИ. Фактически, государственные каналы в России являются источником, изобилующим фейками и ложью.
Как же ты все-таки прав! Мои молитвы о том что интеллигенты в России ещё остались услышены!!

Russia is lit ukraine is lit wtf every country is happy

Russia is lit ukraine is lit wtf every country is happy
Once all of this is over, THIS👆🏻would be the worldwide motto for peace ☮️


Вам нечего ответить?

Это значит, что в ваших руках очень мало настоящих фактов.

Сейчас в Западных СМИ муссируется тема нехватки вооружений и солдат у Российских войск. Это чушь и блеф. В Украине воюют контрактники, добровольцы ( это те люди, у которых украинские нацисты поубивали родственников),Спецназ из Чечни и спецназ Российский., и войска ВМФ России.Эти войска постоянно меняют дислокацию и взаимозаменяются ( ротация ). Это делается для отдыха войск. Ракет и снарядов в достаточном количестве Если бы этого не было,то не было бф атак на дальние военных объекты Украины. Сейчас происходит обстрел военных объектов по всей территории Украины. С успехом уничтожаются как новая техника НАТО так и сами иностранные наемники. Военные самолеты
США увозят каждый день кучи оцинкованных гробов с останками наемников. Увозят на базы НАТО в Европе и там их сортируют для отправки дальше. Потери украинских войск огромны. Это подтверждают сами западные аналитики. Одно попадание ракеты калибр морского или авиационного базирования убивает в местах дислокации от 60 до 200 наемников. В Киеве в руководстве Потом полное уничтожение ВСУ зреет военный переворот против Зеленского. Войска с западных территорий Украины, отказываются переходить на восточный фронт, где проходят активные военный события. Цель России на данном этапе - окружение войск Украины на Юге и лишение Украины выхода в Черное море. Потом полное уничтожение нацистов на Западе и денацификация западных областей Украины, в прежних границах. Польша может не мечтать о западных областях Украины. Россия не трогает железные дороги и автомобильные дороги на Западе Украины. Цель - вымотать ресурсы НАТО в военной технике. Лишить Запад их оружия путем медленного уничтожения на территории Украины. Сейчас под контроль России становится вся территория Украины путем иранских беспилотников. Китай и сама Россия делает эксперименты с ослеплением военных и спутников Маска путем лазерного оружия. Эта война выгодна также и России для модернизации своего оружия. Эиа война выгодна также и союзникам России. Она позволяет модернизировать их оружие. Украина это есть военный полигон, для Запада - уничтожение старого советского оружия из арсеналов бывших социалистических стран. Для России - полигон для модернизации своего оружия и совершенствования тактики уничтожения новейших Западных вооружений. Поэтому Россия ведет эту войну с наименьшими людскими потерями со своей стороны и с наибольшими потерями со стороны Запада. Медленно. Во впемя медленного продвижения Российских войск к западным границам Украины, из территории Украины выдавливаются ( сами убегают ) все население Украины, которое отравлено пропагандой нацизма за 21 год самостоятельного существования Украины под нацистскими лозунгами, со времен президента Ющенко. Эти ублюдки не только теряют своих родственников в войне с Россией, но и теряют всё - включая жилье. Они надеются , что приехав в Европу - они устроят там свои нацистские порядки и будут из-за границы любить свою Украину, как делают все украинцы в Канаде и в других странах. Но Европа уже поняла - чем грозит это нашествие украинских "беженцев" . Европа отнимает малолетних детей по любому поводу у этих нацистов у их родителей и делает свою демографию улучшенной, за счет этих детей. Всем уже надоело улучшение Европейской демографии путем черных беженцев из Силии , Африки, Ирака и т.д. Теперь Европа улучшает свою демографию путем отъема у белых националистов
их белых детей, и воспитывает этих детей в Европейском духе толерантности и гендерства. Россия не противится этому, видя, что это есть тупиковый путь развития человечества. Как и предвидел Нострадамус, Ванга и другие прорицатели - Россия пройдет этот трудный путь и станет лидером человечества.

The Western media is now talking about the lack of weapons and soldiers in the Russian forces. This is nonsense and a bluff. In Ukraine there are contract servicemen, volunteers (those people whose relatives were killed by Ukrainian Nazis), Special Forces from Chechnya and Russian Special Forces, and Russian Navy troops who constantly change their deployment and are interchangeable (rotation). This is done to provide recreation for the troops. There are enough missiles and shells if it were not for that, there would be no bf attacks on distant military facilities in Ukraine. Now there is shelling of military facilities all over Ukraine. Both the new NATO equipment and the foreign mercenaries themselves are being destroyed with success. Military aircraft.
The U.S. takes away every day piles of galvanized coffins with the remains of mercenaries. They take them to NATO bases in Europe and sort them there for further shipment. The losses of Ukrainian troops are enormous. This is confirmed by Western analysts themselves. A single hit from a sea- or air-launched missile kills between 60 and 200 mercenaries at a location. A military coup against Zelensky is ripe in Kiev's leadership. Troops from the western territories of Ukraine, refuse to move to the eastern front, where active military events are taking place. Russia's goal at this stage is to encircle Ukraine's troops in the south and deprive Ukraine of access to the Black Sea. Then the complete annihilation of the Nazis in the West and the denazification of the western regions of Ukraine, within the former borders. Poland may not dream of the western regions of Ukraine. Russia does not touch the railways and highways in western Ukraine. The aim is to exhaust NATO's resources in military hardware. To deprive the West of their weapons through slow destruction on Ukrainian territory. Now the entire territory of Ukraine is coming under Russian control by means of Iranian drones. China and Russia itself are doing experiments with blinding Musk's military and satellites by means of laser weapons. This war also benefits Russia to modernise its weapons. This war also benefits Russia's allies. It allows them to modernise their weapons. Ukraine is a military testing ground; for the West, it is the destruction of old Soviet weapons from the arsenals of former socialist countries. For Russia, it is a testing ground for modernising its weapons and perfecting its tactics for destroying the West's latest weapons. So Russia is fighting this war with the fewest human casualties on its side and the greatest casualties on the West's side. Slowly. As Russian troops slowly advance towards Ukraine's western borders, the entire Ukrainian population, poisoned by Nazi propaganda from 21 years of independent existence under Nazi slogans since the time of President Yushchenko, is being driven out of Ukrainian territory (themselves fleeing). These bastards are not only losing their relatives in the war with Russia, they are losing everything - including their homes. They hope that when they come to Europe, they will install their Nazi order there and will love their Ukraine from abroad, like all Ukrainians do in Canada and other countries. But Europe has already understood the danger of these Ukrainian "refugees". Europe takes young children for any reason from these Nazis to their parents and makes their demographics better, at the expense of these children. Everyone is fed up with improving the European demographics through black refugees from Syria, Africa, Iraq, etc. Now Europe is improving its demographics by taking from white nationalists
their white children, and raising these children in the European spirit of tolerance and genderism. Russia does not oppose this, seeing that this is a dead end road for humanity. As Nostradamus, Vanga and other soothsayers foresaw - Russia will pass this difficult path and become the leader of humanity.

Из вашего сообщения я понял, что вы хотите сказать, что Россиия ведет войну на выматывание противника. Так вот это не правда. Мы увязли окончательно. И если идёт речь о каком-то изматывании, то изматывают сейчас только нас (то есть войска РФ). И ещё, вы пишете, что мы ведем войну против Запада, что убивают каких-то наёмников (которых, к слову сказать, там вроде вообще нету), но умирают-то простые мирные жители, которые не имеют никакого отношения к нацизму. Последнее что я напишу, это то, что в Украине воюют обычные люди, обычные украинцы, которые защищают свою родину. Поймите, для них это - Отечественная война!

The agony of the western media
It is no longer possible to deny the huge losses of the AFU and the open arms trade by the Kiev regime. The Ukrainian Armed Forces themselves are tired of watching Zelensky and his henchmen line their pockets with millions of dollars, transferring it to offshore companies and Swiss banks. A military coup within Ukraine itself is brewing. No amount of power apparatus replacement will help the Kiev regime. Zelensky sees it and tries with all his might in a drug haze to snatch the last crumbs from the American and NATO pie. And what if he manages to sneak away from revenge of Ukrainian law enforcers, who have not yet been enraptured? U.S. CNN, which is absolutely Russophobic, misses caustic comments about where weapons and money disappear from Ukraine. There is no one to ask, because Biden (a sly fo😆 - is a master at dodging tricky questions from the press - now he has COVID, now he has Cancer, now he has a constipation or diarrhea - what is next? All his press attachés at embassies and press releases are dumb parrot pawns repeating printed fakes for the whole world. I just wonder what the whole fake news industry is working for, using American taxpayers money. Even the dumbest, blackest, fattest housewife in New York City will sometimes say to herself - why am I paying so much for gas and baby food now? And a twinkle in her eye will flash - it is not Russia's fault, but as one rare American analyst or another has said, the problem with inflation and the crisis must be sought here - within the U.S. itself. In correspondence with some American correspondents, I have realised that consciousness is coming, albeit belatedly, with a bit of a brake, to those stupid American heads, wracked with genderism and bestial populism, propaganda of violence and perversity.
Europe is following the American rut and there is no telling when it will come out of it.
I hope WINTER=ZIMA sets the record straight. And Brother Frost, just like Hitler at Moscow, will put ears instead of feet.
It is not for nothing that the West is now quietly lifting sanctions almost every day and moving trade with Russia back to normal, as before. This is what the Western media has been tantalisingly silent about - it means they are shitting themselves with their sanctions policy at the behest of the US. It means - they understand - that without Russia they are neither going anywhere, nor courts. They are already "singing" about Nord Stream 1...They are already "singing" about Nord Stream 2 in spite of the purchased Scholz - but what to do? The eternal Jewish question. No one wants to shiver, get covered with frost, pay exorbitant prices for gasoline, smear margarine instead of butter. The closer WINTER comes, the more tolerant Germany and Europe will be towards Russia. Except for Scandinavians - they don't give a fuck about lower temperatures - they are used to it. And what if current of Golfstrom will turn or will stop? The chinese can do better than that! They're exploring Mars and the moon! They will put a fence at the bottom of the Gulf Stream, and a big fat long man's cock will sneak up on Europe unnoticed. And Russia will look at the game of iridescent crystals of light in the ice cap of Western Europe!

Most of my impressions of Russia come from the marketing numbers on the Internet, which are probably: honey without water, delicious chocolate, etc. Of course, these accounts may be said to sell his products, but in the process, they have also successfully rewritten my impression of Russia.

The agony of the western media
It is no longer possible to deny the huge losses of the AFU and the open arms trade by the Kiev regime. The Ukrainian Armed Forces themselves are tired of watching Zelensky and his henchmen line their pockets with millions of dollars, transferring it to offshore companies and Swiss banks. A military coup within Ukraine itself is brewing. No amount of power apparatus replacement will help the Kiev regime. Zelensky sees it and tries with all his might in a drug haze to snatch the last crumbs from the American and NATO pie. And what if he manages to sneak away from revenge of Ukrainian law enforcers, who have not yet been enraptured? U.S. CNN, which is absolutely Russophobic, misses caustic comments about where weapons and money disappear from Ukraine. There is no one to ask, because Biden (a sly fo😆 - is a master at dodging tricky questions from the press - now he has COVID, now he has Cancer, now he has a constipation or diarrhea - what is next? All his press attachés at embassies and press releases are dumb parrot pawns repeating printed fakes for the whole world. I just wonder what the whole fake news industry is working for, using American taxpayers money. Even the dumbest, blackest, fattest housewife in New York City will sometimes say to herself - why am I paying so much for gas and baby food now? And a twinkle in her eye will flash - it is not Russia's fault, but as one rare American analyst or another has said, the problem with inflation and the crisis must be sought here - within the U.S. itself. In correspondence with some American correspondents, I have realised that consciousness is coming, albeit belatedly, with a bit of a brake, to those stupid American heads, wracked with genderism and bestial populism, propaganda of violence and perversity.
Europe is following the American rut and there is no telling when it will come out of it.
I hope WINTER=ZIMA sets the record straight. And Brother Frost, just like Hitler at Moscow, will put ears instead of feet.
It is not for nothing that the West is now quietly lifting sanctions almost every day and moving trade with Russia back to normal, as before. This is what the Western media has been tantalisingly silent about - it means they are shitting themselves with their sanctions policy at the behest of the US. It means - they understand - that without Russia they are neither going anywhere, nor courts. They are already "singing" about Nord Stream 1...They are already "singing" about Nord Stream 2 in spite of the purchased Scholz - but what to do? The eternal Jewish question. No one wants to shiver, get covered with frost, pay exorbitant prices for gasoline, smear margarine instead of butter. The closer WINTER comes, the more tolerant Germany and Europe will be towards Russia. Except for Scandinavians - they don't give a fuck about lower temperatures - they are used to it. And what if current of Golfstrom will turn or will stop? The chinese can do better than that! They're exploring Mars and the moon! They will put a fence at the bottom of the Gulf Stream, and a big fat long man's cock will sneak up on Europe unnoticed. And Russia will look at the game of iridescent crystals of light in the ice cap of Western Europe!

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