Does a person need to resist a deadly disease?

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The answer is for everyone. A person, if he is exposed to a fatal disease, must still fight for his life. He must not lose heart. It is the fight for life, the belief in healing, that works miracles of recovery. I have never done everything intensely. But now I have been on a river cruise on the Volga River. In one day I left for a resort on the Black Sea. In June I was in a Rehabilitation Sanatorium. This all happened in spite of the war that Russia was waging with the Ukrainian fascists. Just having your brain distracted by illness is your cure for cancer !
Your response reminds me the film Some Birds Can't Fly. It's a Serbian film Directored Petar Lalovic based on true story as i read.
haven't watched this movie. But intuitively I feel that I have to fight. Of course, the struggle also implies the treatment that the state offers. Treatment + self - realization ( the use of folk remedies ) + faith in healing - these three postulates do miracles.

My Dad had cancer.

For now I'm having hope for the new cancer treatments in experimentation with immunotherapy.
A trial recently cured all patients of a specific cancer completely.

The most advanced country in cancer treatment is Cuba. The queue of Americans for treatment in Cuba is three years ahead. Blue scorpion extract works wonders.There are discounts for Russian citizens. The treatment is very expensive. But 100% cure for five types of cancer is the success of Cuban medicine. The American pharmaceutical mafia has no means to strangle Cuban medicine. And it pleases - at least one country has really opposed itself against the dictate of the United States.

One drug, Low-Dose Naltrexone is said to be helpful too. It is not used much for anything but was experimented on for drug addiction in the '70's. Mexico has a lot of good drugs the same as the US but they can use them without the high prices. Many people like going to Mexico for good medicine there.

LDN is an immune system enhancer

Anyone with cancer should immediately get off sugar. I've gotten off sugar as I feel it has made me prone to losing my mental control and moody.

Edited by DanielWeathers .

In meditative practices, we are taught that our breath is our way of life. Our breath is our teacher of patience in us when we take in air. If I am correct.

From my own experiences as a bodybuilder, i see things in this way.
Our body is always talking to us, it is telling us what we need, where to put our focus, if there is something we need, nutrients, rest and so on and if we are willing to listen to what our body tells us, everything will be fine but if we do not listen, or do not understand, our body will find ways where we have no choice but to listen, it will find ways that points in the direction that we need to focus. If we than don't listen, it will stays and find ways where we have to face what's going on.
So it is our own creation, a friend who reminds us to take more care about our own health, our own body, if we listen and do what our body needs, the disease doesnt have to stay any longer as we got the message, the information that is within that disease.
So i never see illness or diseases as anything bad or something you have to get rid off, i see it as guiding friend that tells me what i need and what i should avoid. So any disease doesnt have to be deadly.

From my own experiences as a bodybuilder, i see things in this way.
Our body is always talking to us, it is telling us what we need, where to put our focus, if there is something we need, nutrients, rest and so on and if we are willing to listen to what our body tells us, everything will be fine but if we do not listen, or do not understand, our body will find ways where we have no choice but to listen, it will find ways that points in the direction that we need to focus. If we than don't listen, it will stays and find ways where we have to face what's going on.
So it is our own creation, a friend who reminds us to take more care about our own health, our own body, if we listen and do what our body needs, the disease doesnt have to stay any longer as we got the message, the information that is within that disease.
So i never see illness or diseases as anything bad or something you have to get rid off, i see it as guiding friend that tells me what i need and what i should avoid. So any disease doesnt have to be deadly.
The right thoughts and the right words.

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