do you like birds dogs or cats

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I like birds

I like cats very much. I also keep a cat as a pet at home. It is very cute and human. Personally, it is better than dogs. Cats are quiet and elegant

I love every kind of animal

I prefer small dogs easy to house train, clean. Dogs with fur not hair. You can take them mostly every place. Their good at letting, their master someones coming.
No matter if it's raining or very cold, they still go outside

Birds have a habit of sings any time, you got to get the cage clean or it smells.

House cat, even if they have a place to do their business in the house. When there done will drag their ass across the carpet or chesterfield.

I did like my choco labrador Beau.


What kind of dogs?

I like dogs

But birds I like to

All of them🙂


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