Looking to exchange long term letters witch/poems. Long term friend

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Thank You Theonidas!

How are you?

Hello, I am doing good about yourself?





Le bumps

Hello, I think I know much things about that. If you want to exchange letters, I'm in. But I'm in France, it could be long haha (3 weeks to receive a letter, I'm used to send stuff to the US)

Yeah! Let me send you a message!

Hi Lizzy! You sound like my type of person. 🙂 I'd love to write with you, if you're still looking.


Amber I had sent you a PM so we can swap letters a few weeks ago

Still looking for someone to be penpals with. Not looking for a letter or two, just a mutual friendship. Talk about what makes you happy, whats been making you sad and the things we want in life. If you also like poems and stuff like that; I'm your gal. Just want a friend or two.

Bumping for view


Cool bumps


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