Would you fight for the person you love?

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yeah of course.When I had a girlfriend,I would like to do anything she wanted for her.
Now I lost her heart,forever,forever!But still I want to fight for my love,

That depends on whether he has been single or not, before I met him..

yeah of course and I already did

“If you love something set it free. If it comes back it’s yours. If not, it was never meant to be.”. Sorry I don't know whose quote is this but I like it.

No,I'm just myself.
Long ago I would fight for love,but not now.

I would do anything for my boyfriend. And I already fought for him a few times. But I'd do way more than just fighting for him. He is the love of my life, I'd do anything for him


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😇Nope, I can’t.😬

I would

I am not sure what this question means: Picking a fight with another of the same gender over a love interest; or putting in a good argument to why you are the best thing that ever happened to another.

I'm lost to either of these now. Love seems like something frivilous and fictitious to create fights. I believe some men can be pricks toward other men because they have big egos. If there were someone who was worth fighting for, that would be unusual and I don't get into other people's business.

Edited by DanielWeathers .

I would not because Love is not meant to be fought, Love is letting be.

I would not because Love is not meant to be fought, Love is letting be.
🥲So true 👌🏽

Would I fight for the person I love ?? I think it’s to vague. I mean there’s a lot of variables at play. What’s the circumstances surrounding the person I love that are hindering us being together? Am I fighting her to love me back or? …

If someone tryes to take her by force or hurt her, yes, maybe I would, even if I'd probably lose.

I thing your question is not if i want to fiscal fight with someone about my love.
But if i will put more effort into getting my love to be my love.
And the answer is yes. I will always try to get the attention of my girl.

i fight for love, i lose everything

yeah I love my family very much and I am ready to do anything for them.

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