People with heart and soul

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I have been wondering for a long time whether there are still "people of the heart" in this world? People, who not only think selfishly with their head, but also include a heart and a soul in their decisions? I would be very interested in the opinion of others - no matter what country you live in!

I'd argue than most of people think mostly with their heart, and rarely with their head... I don't see why one woulkd assume that the heart prevents one to be selfish. Example of this could be the over emotionnal stuff we got everywhere: pathos in the political discourses, various advertizing trying to show how good or how bad few things are, manicheism in society and culture generally speaking, with the goods and the bads et caetera. So, once again, to me, people are much more led by their "heart" than their head.

If I can meet a wholehearted person, whether he will treat me wholeheartedly or do his own thing wholeheartedly (which is of course beneficial to the society), I will be very happy and feel very lucky to meet him, because he is rare and unique.

Wow, such an opinion at 15 years old - all due respect! Unfortunately, in my life I have met many callous, selfish and power-hungry people. As long as they can need you, they pretend to be good friends. Then they let go of your hand freezing cold and plunge you into the depths. Especially during the corona period, many people in our country have become aggressive, cold-hearted and inconsiderate. As a soulful person, it hurts my soul. I am there for others when someone needs help, no matter how my own is. The world only becomes more peaceful when people learn to approach one another again and to respect one another!

I think this is an interesting question... Since we all have heart, soul and head, I think what happens is that our thoughts and our temperaments are more nurtured in our society, and therefore they dominate over any sensitive things that are involved in our decisions, those matters which involve our whole being - mind, body and soul. So, the elevated tendencies of our soul, and our heart, get shut down, and end up suffering but we don't even notice because it is covered with the immediate pleasure which is so readily available to us.
Again, I find this is a very interesting subject and it's giving me a lot to think about. I know many people who act differently to what you described, Buffybaer, and who do follow their hearts and do kind things every day. They inspire me every day!

Then they let go of your hand freezing cold and plunge you into the depths. Especially during the corona period, many people in our country have become aggressive, cold-hearted and inconsiderate.
You blame people for this, but have you considered that the context may play a role here? The covid crisis, especially with the lockdown, has played on the nerve of many people and make them more or less touchy. Being unable to do what you want anymore, to be deprivated of a good amount of your freedom, being unable to see other in real life to many people is hard to deal with. If you add to this the fear of losing your job, the basic needs that could be harder to fulfill etc, people will sure be les patient and agressivity will increase. You really need to be in a part of the population out of risk or a kind of NEET who's used to isolation to go through the past years without caring much more than usual.

You never know what people are going through.

I'm sorry, but you also seem to be one of those dead inside, Lianshen.
I had to endure everything you perform here on my own and suffered so much from it (especially not being able to meet anyone) that I developed heart problems in the spring and had to seek medical treatment. Nevertheless, I have not changed in my sensitive nature. Do you even know what you are talking about? You judge people you don't know about. I've worked in medicine and seen so much misery that you probably can't even imagine. And you call me "neerd". You should turn on your head first and then question your heart before expressing yourself. Grow up first!

I'm sorry, but you also seem to be one of those dead inside, Lianshen.
I had to endure everything you perform here on my own and suffered so much from it (especially not being able to meet anyone) that I developed heart problems in the spring and had to seek medical treatment. Nevertheless, I have not changed in my sensitive nature.
You say that you had health problem and that you had to seek a medical treatment in addition to the deprivation of freedom, the fear of losing a job and having a harder time to fulfill your basic needs (allow me to doubt that you are part of the people who skip 1-2 meal per day, simply because of your generation, but also because of your profile... - this is jduging you-) and it's fine if it doesn't change your "sensitive nature", but what about others? Do you know what they have been through? Did they got fine with a treatment? Did they had more issues than that? How did they cope with it? Can you tell that you know what they lived and how?

You also say that I'm judging people, but aren't you making a projection here? I mean, after all, you say "ME, I have not changed", call other cold-hearted, agressives, inconsiderates, dead inside... It seems like you're a little bit discordant here.

I've worked in medicine and seen so much misery that you probably can't even imagine.
Pathos, here we are. I ask you if you know what people have been going through, not what you have seen when you were working in a medical field.

And you call me "neerd".
No, I didn't. If you refer to "NEET" (fyi, it means Not in Education, Employment or Training) you obviously aren't one, not in the one I meant at least. Neither did I say you weren't caring much, but once again, is everyone supposed to act and to perceive the things just like you?

You should turn on your head first and then question your heart before expressing yourself. Grow up first!
No thanks.

Edytowane przez Lianshen .
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