What's the worst life advice you have gotten and how would you now advise someone finding themselves in the situation you were in at the time?

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Question pretty much in the title. Storytime pls

“You should readily accept advice from others."(others:themself,they want to control me.)

Now I will say:"Thank you.But in your words,I think you should go die."😛

I think this basic thing "You shouldn't / don't have to change, you're great." is wrong. It's what I used to say on somebody's birthday, wenn I was younger and I was told the same on my birthday. Also the standard motivational speech often has "Don't change yourself for anyone, they should want you the way you are. If they don't, they don't deserve you."

So it isn't really life advice I suppose, and I never cared about it anyways. I doubt many people have. But just the fact that it is what people tell you, sounds wrong to me. Of course you should change. Mainly obviously for yourself but, if you continuously piss people off, you should probably think about that too.

I think it should rather be "Try to be the best version of yourself." or "Try to be the version of yourself, that you like best."

I think this basic thing "You shouldn't / don't have to change, you're great." is wrong. It's what I used to say on somebody's birthday, wenn I was younger and I was told the same on my birthday. Also the standard motivational speech often has "Don't change yourself for anyone, they should want you the way you are. If they don't, they don't deserve you."

So it isn't really life advice I suppose, and I never cared about it anyways. I doubt many people have. But just the fact that it is what people tell you, sounds wrong to me. Of course you should change. Mainly obviously for yourself but, if you continuously piss people off, you should probably think about that too.

I think it should rather be "Try to be the best version of yourself." or "Try to be the version of yourself, that you like best."

I agree! Asking someone not to change because you prefer the current them is a bit selfish. Everyone changes whether they want to or not. The you from today is different from the you from yesterday, and will definitely not be the same from the you tomorrow. People change and grow physically and mentally.

i have always been told to figure it out on my own that i was old enough... to them i say well if i get it wrong just know i tried and you wouldn't help me.
*shrugs and walks away*

"Never cry, it’s for the weak."
I would like to tell the person that I was at the time, that he has the right to cry and be weak sometimes, and that’s a beautiful thing. Definitely, being weak is a force !

And I have a second one, which is "stay invisible" :'D
You have the right to live: there is a space in this world that belongs to you, and no one has the right to use it or to tell you how to use it.

"Don't be nice to the others"
This is the worst advice I have ever been given ... I mean, for me, kindness is a pillar of life in society !
Okay, I know that there are people who enjoy your kindness to control you... But we don't need to be nasty everytime...

I think it is betteer to rephrase this advice : "Be kind to your loved-ones and the others, but stay reasonable."

"All men are like that."

As a consolation for some disappointment.
I think it's dehumanising.

And what I would say instead 🙂:

"What a loser."

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