

  • 3
  • Something to tell the world!

    Born 2002 in a third world country– so a gen Z that identifies as a millenial, but doesn't even get to partake in the "90's kids"-threads. Somewhere in the void between generations, I like to call myself a "post-millenial".
    I am awfully socially akward but behind the safety of a screen and a keyboard (or some paper and ink) a fairly good conversational partner.
    Formally a 𝚐𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍™.

    Fun fact: my favourite word is "passion" and I love it in every single language in which I know how to say it. Perhaps you can teach me to say it in yours?

    Disclaimer for all our (hopefully numerous) future conversations: I am almost strictly apolitical and have a somewhat strongly detached dark humor when talking about humanity, so please don't be offended, I do not mean any of it seriously.

  • Cities and countries I have visited

    I lived for the first half of my childhood, that is 7 years (yeah, 14yo are children, deal with it), in Peru's capital Lima and then moved to Spain where I lived in a small city near the border to france called Pamplona. At age 10 I moved to Magdeburg in Germany where i still reside.

    As tourist I also visited some other cities in those countries, eg. in Peru Ica and Iquitos, in Spain big hitters such as Barcelona and Madrid (although I didn't have enough time in either of those to fully appreciate them) and lastly in Germany Berlin, Hamburg just to name a few.
    And as an enthusiastic traveler I have also visited a few other places (not as many as I would like, but as many as the wallet allowed) such as Prag (Czech Republic) and Washington D.C.(US of A, obviously).

