Say goodbye to this lovely world Anything and everything

No problem. I will do it. But please don't do it. Like the others said. Suicide don't help. You will make many people sad. Like your parents ( siblings if you have), friends.
And friends here in pen pal gate.

No one in Europe discriminates asians! Many Europeans a very interested in Japan! Come to Germany! Kindly welcome…and suicide is nonsense, stupid and sh…t!!!
Please seek out some help from a suicide prevention organization. If you can't reach one in your country I will give you contact information for one in the US.

You are not terrible, you are just dealing with your situation the only way it makes sense to you right now. I think you can learn other methods of working through the issues you currently have without damaging or harming yourself.

I'm sorry your situation is as difficult for you as it is. I hope that you are able to find some peace and serenity in your life. I also hope that you are able to follow your dreams and work towards a bright future. The interesting thing about time is that it reveals paths you have never considered or known about before they present themselves. I am in a far different future than the one I was seeing myself in when I was your age. The cool thing is it's much better than the one I imagined for myself. I picked up a lot of different life tools along the way to get me to where I am today. I hope that you are able to do the same and end up in a future much better than the best one you can realistically imagine for yourself.

Wise Man! And a great advice! 👍

Your trip to Kitakyushu sounds like an excellent idea. Physical activity is often very good as a way to combat depression. I hope you find it helps you improve your state of mind and outlook.

Your trip to Kitakyushu sounds like an excellent idea. Physical activity is often very good as a way to combat depression. I hope you find it helps you improve your state of mind and outlook.
yes,i feel pretty good today,we went to the local museum, art center,and shopping mall,i bought a Versace jacket

I'm glad you're still with us, keep fighting and stay strong brother!

yes,i feel pretty good today,we went to the local museum, art center,and shopping mall,i bought a Versace jacket

I'm glad to hear you had a good time and are feeling good. I hope this is the beginning of a long period of positive life for you. If not I hope that it helps you remember how good life can feel when you run into difficult times in the future.


I was depressed 2 years ago.I think to be yourself is more important than others' talk.They said so,but has they ever went to Europe?Don't extinguish the flame of your heart,go to Europe and have a try.



Thanks to everyone who helped me. He has already come. I woke up in the suite room on the 21st floor of the hotel in Kitakyushu port. Opening the window, Kitakyushu has just rained. I breathe fresh air. The world felt such a freshness. I like Italy. I love MacDonald. I want to go to Los Angeles. I want to go to scottod's Loch Ness. I really want to find a male friend. There are still many unfinished. I can't end my life here. I received an email from the Embassy of Japan in Ireland. I got the qualification at the International Exchange Association of the school circle. I can participate in Japan. 🇯🇵 Ireland 🇮🇪 The student exchange activities will visit a famous city in Japan, such as Kyo, Nara, Tokyo and Osaka with students from Ireland. I study for 20 hours a day in Japan, but I get used to it.

Danke all denen, die mir geholfen haben.Es ist schon raus.Ich bin heute Morgen in der Suite im Beikyushu Port Hotel aufgewacht.Es regnet nur in Kitakyushu.Atmen Sie frische Luft.Die Welt fühlt sich so frisch an.Ich mag Italien.Ich mag McDonald's.Ich will nach Los Angeles.Ich will nach Loch Ness in Schottland.Ich will wirklich männliche Freunde finden.Es gibt noch eine Menge unerledigter Dinge.Das Leben kann hier nicht enden.Ich habe gerade eine E-Mail von der irischen Botschaft in Japan erhalten.Ich habe mich beim internationalen Austauschtreffen des Schulverbandes qualifiziert.Du kannst Japan beitreten.🇯🇵Irland🇮🇪Die Studentenaustausch-Aktivität ist, berühmte japanische Städte wie Kyoto, Nara, Tokio und Osaka mit Studenten aus Irland zu besuchen.Ich studiere zwanzig Stunden a m Tag in Japan, aber ich bin daran gewöhnt.


Podziękuj tym, którzy mi pomogli.Już wyszło.Obudziłem się dziś rano w apartamencie na 21-szym piętrze w Bekyushu Port Hotel.Po prostu pada w Kitakyushu.Oddychaj świeżym powietrzem.Świat jest taki świeży.Lubię Włochy.Lubię McDonalda.Chcę jechać do Los Angeles.Chcę jechać do Loch Ness w Szkocji.Naprawdę chcę znaleźć męskich przyjaciół.Jest jeszcze wiele niedokończonych spraw. Nie.Życie nie może się tu skończyć.Właśnie otrzymałem e-mail z irlandzkiej ambasady w Japonii.Kwalifikowałem się na międzynarodowym spotkaniu giełdowym stowarzyszenia szkolnego.Możesz dołączyć do Japonii.🇯🇵Irlandia🇮🇪Celem wymiany student ów jest odwiedzenie słynnych japońskich miast, takich jak Kioto, Nara, Tokio i Osaka z uczniami z Irlandii.Studiuję dwadzieścia godzin dziennie w Japonii, ale przywykłem do tego.

Спасибо всем, кто мне помог.Выходи.сегодня утром проснулся в номере 21 - го этажа отеля в Порт - Кюсю на севере.Открой окно, в Китакюсю только что начался дождь.Дыши свежим воздухом.мир чувствовал такой свежесть.Я люблю Италию.Я люблю МакДоналдса.Я хочу поехать в Лос - Анджелес.Я хочу поехать на озеро Несс в Шотландии.Я действительно хочу найти парня.многое еще не сделано.жизнь здесь не заканчивается.только что получила письмо от посольства Ирландии в Японии.Я получил квалификацию на международном семинаре школьной ассоциации.Можно присоединиться к Японии.🇯🇵Ирландия🇮🇪студенческие обмены проводятся с учащимися из Ирландии, которые посещают известные японские города Киото, нара, Токио и Осака.в Японии учатся 20 часов в день, но привыкают.

this is the best news of the day, I'm happy for you. you're great, good luck!

That's a happening that shows that everything can change to good. I am happy for you!

Great! Take care 🙂


Congratulations. I think it's wonderful that you'll be showing someone from Ireland around Japan. Hopefully it will lead to connections that can help you achieve some of your dreams.

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