Favorite movie? 全部

Saving Private Ryan

Cloud Atlas : )

Zardoz - A rather strange science fiction film with Sean Connery in his most unusual role.

Fast and Furious

Rush hour

Pretty women!

Pretty women! Mit Julia Roberts...

Five ! (it's a French movie, but it is about friendship and I really think it is a beautiful movie)

Harry Potter

Prison Break of course haha

"Interstellar" is pretty awesome and I love "The Shining" with Jack Nicholson

Star wars
Star trek
And funny movies haha

I go to my childhood pokemon the movie is stil one of the best movies ever.

One day (2011)

Harry Potter and Cruella

My favorite movie is Hacksaw Ridge

Interestellar is a movie that I could watch over and over again, I really love it!
it isn't even that good...

