Can you state 10 facts about your country?

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Hey people, I'm just curious to learn about the country where you are from so I made this thread to share something I know. You can tell anything just make sure it is accurate so that we will not spread false information. I'll start things off with the 10 facts about the nation where I am from.

By the way, it's okay if you can't reach ten but I'll appreciate if it's ten or even more haha

10 Facts About My Country
1. There are approximtely 7,641 islands that can be found in the Philippines. The uninhabited islands are included.

2. Due to the geographical nature of the country, the language from island to island became diverse with around 182 languages all over the archipelago.

3. According to The World Factbook, the coastline of the Philippines is measured at 36,289 km and almost as long as the coastline of Russia with 37,653 km.

4. The third deepest point of the ocean, Galathea Depth is also located at the Philippine Trench southeast of the country on the edge of Mindanao island. It is measured at a depth of 10,540 meters. About two kilometers shy greater than the height of Mount Everest.

5. The Philippines is a product of a geologic process known as volcanism. It is a process where two plates collide and the lighter one rises and the denser one subducts to the mantle where it melts. The rift between the two makes a passage where magma rises due to the intense pressure in the Earth's interior and eventually will try to get out, thus, forming volcanoes.

6. And speaking of volcanoes, the smallest active volcano is found in the Philippines - the Taal Volcano with a height of only 311 meters. It is believed that it is only the remains of a former supervolcano millions of years ago and a great eruption caused a collapse of the upper part of the volcano with the base that was only left.

7. The smallest primate, the tarsier, is endemic here which means it can never be found anywhere else in the world. It's height is no greater than your handspan with about only six inches maximum.

8. The largest eagle species can be found here, the Philippine Eagle. Though sadly, it is critically endagered now with just hundreds of them left because of deforestation that causes the destruction of their jungle habitat.

9. The sweetest mangoes can be found here specifically in the island of Guimaras where it is exported worldwide fresh and dried alike.

10. The country is the second largest coconut producer in the world just behind our neighbor Indonesia with around $300 billion in exports in the last three decades.

Nice one. I'll keep it to Brittany/Breizh/Bretagne only since some people might have other things to say about France. I also just will tell few coming through my mind:

1) According to legends, Brittany has been created by 7 Saints. These founders came from Britain (when Anglosaxons invaded the place) and were monks and hermits Welsh or Cornish for most. The existence of the country is prior to France and many other european existence.

2 ) In Brittany was written the Catholicon, which was the world first trilingual dictionnary and book, but also the first Breton dictionnary and the first French dictionnary at a time in which Brittany was an independent Duchy (the third language was latin).

3 ) The first stethoscope was invented by a Breton because his patient, a woman, was difficult to auscultate.

4 ) Brittany is geologically different from the rest of France. Its territory has rocks from the hercynian era and older, and the remains of the Armorican massif was at least as high as the Alps, but has been wiper by the oceanic climate. It's also one of the three places in the world where you could see a pink granite coast.

5) Brittany has a central position in maritime european rouotes (right between Spain, England, NEtherlands), hence it was an important area for the world commerce during the XIV-XVth century. Due to that, major power in EUrope always have wanted to get a hand over Brittany which has led to plethora of conflicts in the area.

6 ) Brittany has long been the bread basket for Europe. The whole production but buckwheat used to be sold in its totality in the past, and still a major part of the breton production is exported out of Brittany.

7 ) The climate in Brittany is extremely mild thanks to the oceanic climate. Indeed, expecially close to the coast, it's rare to experiment either cold or hot temperature and it's usually spared by the hotwaves or the coldwaves.

8 ) Although it's a small place comapred to others, Brittany is culturally diverse and different customs has emerged depending on where people live. It also has three languages; Breton, a celtic language close to Welsh, Gallo, a romance language and French. Breton was formerly divided in various dialects that have been unified ina standard Breton in order for it not to completely disappear because of former policies.

9 ) There are plethora of archeological treasures among which you could find the oldest building of Europe and the second largest megalithic mausoleum of Europe, thousands of menhirs and dolmens, roman ruins,

10 ) There is a 130t stone that you can move with a single finger in Huelgoat's forest. Talking about forest, Broceliand forest (arthurian legends) is also believed to be in Brittany, and you could find Merlin's grave there.

Well, it's messy and there are other things to say, but it's good enough.

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