Biggest, no. I've many concern if I think about the well being of my people or even of the species as a whole. I've no concern if it's about life or Earth though, and by that I mean that the concern about global warming is a concern about our own arse because life "finds a way", and will inevitably disappear, but much much after we, humans, will disappear. So that being said, among concern I could have:
- Education getting lowered years after years. The more it goes, the more they look at the bait rather than the baiter.
- Wealth repartition. Anyone already see its effects. Some people are still about to say that it's fine and that people who criticize it are just envious, but it isn't the case.
- Privatization and liberalization of public goods such as hospital and transportations as well as the fields that actually provide a good source of incomes to the state.
- Censorship and dogmatism that goes in apir with education for a aprt, and that ironically increase dogmatism and radicalism of people and stuff being censored.
- Self harming in the West by believing that the world is as nice as "us" while it is not. This can be through increased and pushed migration and multiculturalism, pushed tolerance and the belief that your country can take all the misery of the world while it's mathematically ineffective not to say harmful to both the developped and developping countries.
- The inability of humans to self preserve, or at least to see more than a few year in the future. Leading to an overuse of ressources and the destruction of the ecosystem which will inevitably strikes our species back.
- The stupidity and the corruption of some leaders as well as the lazyness and the inaction from people who see it leading some governments and some institution to be nothing but bloodsuckers that works in the interests of another country or private institutions rather than the people.
- The value given to money as if it was an end in itself while it's nothing more than a tool.
- The worships of democracy that ironically is being less and less of a thing.
I just put them in a random order without thinking much about it, but there are truly too many things to be concern about here. I guess there are less in a country like China although there are still a lot, but globally, I guess that having so many 'big concerns" are a sign that we're living in a very interesting time, aka a "prepareUrAnus" era.