What was the worst injustice you have experienced?

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Tell me a story you went through and found unfair to yourself.

I had lots of stories like this. A few years ago, I helped people who stole me money, phone, or take power in my own home. I was too kind. Now, it's different, even if I'm not a jurk.
But I don't want to talk about it in a forum. Instaid' I gonna talk about something which happened to me 20 years ago, when I was 8. I was in Salu, a town in Cataluña for the Easter hollidays. I was with my parents, my brother, and another family of friends. This family had two babies. Together, we went to a museum about paintings (Picasso or Van Gogh, I don't remember). I can't appreciate paintings cause I'm blind since birth but what happened is still unfair.
When we arrived, a guardian told us that baby cariers were forbiden. So, babie's parents decided to come bac to the flat we had located. And the guardian told us that I had to go too, arguing that my white stick was dangerous. My father told us that I could give them my cane and my parents could take my hand to guide me. But the jurk said that it was a painting museum, so if I couldn't see the paintings, I had no reason to be there. So I lleft with the baby's parents.
I hope that today, this guy would have problems.

Some times people don’t let me play soccer or expect that im not good at it because im a girl.

The worst injustice I have faced and will continue to face is that I will never be able to set foot in Indian occupied Kashmir without fearing for my safety.
