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derniers messages
25 ans,
25 ans, de Allemagne
il y a 4 ans
il y a 4 ans
Hey guys!
My question to you is: What is your biggest dream? What is the biggest thing you want to achieve in your life?
And do you believe that you will achieve that dream? (how many percent?) Tell me!
I am curious about your answers
30 ans,
30 ans, de Russie
il y a 4 ans
il y a 4 ans
Hi! My biggest dream is to go to New Zealand! I believe i can do it one day 😃
29 ans,
29 ans, de Finlande
il y a 4 ans
il y a 4 ans
Here's hint: He's amazing figure skater & friend of Winnie the Pooh
24 ans,
24 ans, de Sri Lanka
il y a 4 ans
il y a 4 ans
My biggest dream is travel to different countries after finishing my degree and getting a job.
27 ans,
27 ans, de Brunéi Darussalam
il y a 4 ans
18 ans,
18 ans, de Inde
il y a 4 ans
il y a 4 ans
my biggest dream is to become an astronomer
16 ans,
16 ans, de France
il y a 4 ans
il y a 4 ans
Here's hint: He's amazing figure skater & friend of Winnie the Pooh
Michael Jackson ?
29 ans,
29 ans, de Finlande
il y a 4 ans
il y a 4 ans
Here's hint: He's amazing figure skater & friend of Winnie the Pooh
Michael Jackson ?
Wrong answer. Micheal Jackson is dead
Édité par Catdoggiegirl95 il y a 4 ans .
16 ans,
16 ans, de France
il y a 4 ans
il y a 4 ans
Here's hint: He's amazing figure skater & friend of Winnie the Pooh
Michael Jackson ?
Wrong answer
Ohhh emmm who?
29 ans,
29 ans, de Finlande
il y a 4 ans
il y a 4 ans
Here's hint: He's amazing figure skater & friend of Winnie the Pooh
Michael Jackson ?
Wrong answer
Ohhh emmm who?
Here's hint: His name starts with letter Y
29 ans,
29 ans, de Finlande
il y a 4 ans
il y a 4 ans
Hummingbirdfan95 do you mean Yuzuru Hanyu?
i'd like to see him soon
17 ans,
17 ans, de Allemagne
il y a 4 ans
il y a 4 ans
Go to the US to make an exchange year!
30 ans,
30 ans, de France
il y a 4 ans
il y a 4 ans
Create clones of myself regularly (like every 20 or 30 years), steal their body in order to live +500 years this way then trying to make world burning and watch how my masterpiece would evolve.
Édité par Lianshen il y a 4 ans .
18 ans,
18 ans, de Italie
il y a 4 ans
il y a 4 ans
I wanna learn at least 30 languages, even though I'd like to learn 70 ones. And I wanna become a polyglot.
50 ans,
50 ans, de Allemagne
il y a 4 ans
il y a 4 ans
I would to live in Antwerp/Belgium in a antique Art-deco-Manor and i would like to live from writing noir-crime-story-novels 🙂
29 ans,
29 ans, de Finlande
il y a 4 ans
il y a 4 ans
My favorite ski jumper's name starts with letter Y
He's so cute guy
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derniers messages
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