Rights of women and girls

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Violence against women and girls is wrong

Discrimination against women and girls is also wrong.

Do you agree with me?

Catdoggiegirl95님이 수정했습니다. .

Yes. And violence against any other (human) beings is wrong too.

Absolutely, who would disagree with you?

I completely agree.

@Call_me_mattia - There are certain people who believe that women family members who bring shame to their families should be killed. There are others who believe that women who work towards the empowerment of other women should be killed as happened in Pakistan this week. There are also fathers who have killed their daughters because the daughters wouldn't follow the father's orders.

Yes. And violence against any other (human) beings is wrong too.

For example...

please tell me

Yes. And violence against any other (human) beings is wrong too.

For example...

please tell me

Yes. And violence against any other (human) beings is wrong too.

For example...

please tell me


Yes. And violence against any other (human) beings is wrong too.

For example...

please tell me

Unfortunately here in the United States Asians are being assaulted by people because our last president called Covid the China virus and they are angry that Chinese people (because that is their ethnic origin) caused Covid in the US. There have been several elderly Asian gentlemen who have died as a result of being knocked to the ground or otherwise being assaulted.

Unfortunately many Americans see anyone from any southeast Asian country (Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Japan, etc...) as Chinese. So it's not only Chinese people being assaulted, it's people who others think "look" Chinese.

I completely agree.
I frankly don’t even consider those people as human beings, but rather beasts.

@Call_me_mattia - There are certain people who believe that women family members who bring shame to their families should be killed. There are others who believe that women who work towards the empowerment of other women should be killed as happened in Pakistan this week. There are also fathers who have killed their daughters because the daughters wouldn't follow the father's orders.

Violence is,itself,a wrong and condemnable act...and violence against Women...is far beyond condemnable...because many of them hesitate to share what is going on with them...And Infact our society doesn't provide suitable environment to them in which they could talk about their problems...Violence against any fragile creatite,thinking that the prey will not speak out to society,is surely a cowardly act...

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