How to say 'Hello' in your language? :) Anything and everything

My mother tongue
tamil - வணக்கம்

And I am living in France so
In French -Bonjour

Moiii! hou ist der mit? 😄

I never thought that such a simple question could make me feel so confused. 😂😂😂
Sooo, in English (my first language and the language I speak most fluently) it’s “hello”.
In Urdu, well it’s Assalamu-alaykum; Kashmiri is a bit harder because it depends on which part you’re from (i.e the South, North etc.). For the Muslims in Kashmir, it would also be Assalamu alaykum.
I included Kashmiri and Urdu because those are both languages spoken in the country that my family is from.

Edit by lemondrop .

Bonjour in French !

Here in Italy we said "Ciao"


In Poland we say: "Cześć" (hello) or more formal "Dzień dobry"(Good morning)

We say "Ciao"

Si dice "guè"

Anche "guaió!"

Hallo 👋

Decimos "Hola"!

Just ,,Hallo" or sometimes also ,,Servus", especially in the south of Germany.


We say "Moin!"

hej or cześć or [from older] Dzień Dobry

We say salut!

In French :
Hello = Bonjour
Hi = Salut
Hey = Salut ou Coucou 🙂