What would you wish for?

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What would you wish for if u had one free wish? 🙂

Should I be the one who answers "my free wish is you to grant me with infinite wishes", right?


@SevenNorthStar And what would you wish for – with the first of your endless wishes? hmmm?

That I pass my exams without learning

@IlseB Oh yas, lerning by doing nothing! Perfect

I feel that wish for passing exams without studying 😅 even better if you everything from the beginning

Happiness and health.

Be able to reach all my objectives in life as changing the Education system in Spain so children could find their motivations and things they want to do in life, work in National Geographic, BBC Earth or others and make animal documentaries so people in all the world could see such a great life and the importance of helping it and stopping the climate change... I have plenty of dreams and objectives I would like to see accomplished if I am lucky enough

I would like to get a special TV : one that would show me how my life would have been if I had made other choices.

I would wish for more wishes, and then I would wish for refugees to be accepted into countries, then I would wish for racism to end, I would then wish for countries like Kashmir and Falastin to be free.

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