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Mathias malzieu -" Maintenant qu'il fait tout le temps nuit sur toi "
It's really hard to pick one book i love , i kinda have a personal list of books i love sooooo , some really make a big explosion of feelings at the end and this book was really emotional and poetic for me 🙂 in general i just like mathias malzieu , great autor !
I agree with the previous posters that George RR Martin's series is a great read (and a long one, if you're looking to fill a lot of time) as well as 1984. May I add to that the Ender's Game series, which is some of the most amazing writing I've ever read with various styles and moods from book to book.
Hmm... It's too difficult to mention just a few books !
I love "cosmétique de l'ennemi" by Amélie Nothomb, "Harry Potter" by J.K Rowling and lot of theater pieces (Molière, Ionesco, Roblès, Corneille...).