Hey. My Name is Anna, I m 17 years old and I live in Germany, though my parents come from Russia. So I'm speaking a bit Russian 🙂. I'd like writing with people all over the world and get to know something about their county and culture and of course improve my language skills🙂. I like travelling very much and I'm hoping to have time for it even after I graduated 🙂.
So I'm looking foward to meet new people 🙂
Always feel free to text me if you wanna talk about travelling, languages, books, films....and anything else that comes your mind. 🙂
Ich spiele Tischtennis, lese, fotografiere und zeichne gerne. Außerdem habe ich ein großes Interesse an Fremdsprachen und habe deshalb auch begonnen meine vierte Fremdsprache: Spanisch zu lernen.