If you could visit any place on earth, which would it be? :)

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Japan or South-Korea

Every place on Earth is beautiful I think! Except these places where you can't be amazed because of poverty, violence, pollution or anything else like that. BUT if I could visit any place on earth, it would be any place with Nature, such as Ireland, Iceland, Germany again, Belize etc

Canada, Italy or Iceland 🙂

I have a long list of countries to visit. Here are some of them. France,Ireland,UK,USA,New Zealand,Japan and Korea

If I could choose any place to visit I'd totally go for Iceland! Sometimes, I just sit in my room and look through the picture of Iceland, because I'm so in love with the place!

Probably it would be India..! It's such a colorful and amazing place!

If I could choose any place to visit, I would go in Ireland or Canada ! I am totaly in love of this two countries !

A tour to Germany and France without fail! 😉

Greece , australia and malaysia <3

Africa I guess but honesty I want to see any place.

Europe, Australia, New Zealand, really anywhere tropical like Hawaii! <3

I would love to go to London.


Bora Bora, America-> NewYork. Actually a lot of places 😉

I would like to visit every place. I don't care where I go, just somewhere what isn't Germany. I like my country yes, but I would rather like to see the world

Yellowstone National Parc


I would like to visit Greenland or Canada! I think this would be really cool because I really like the cold and I’m totally a winter child. 🙂

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