write here anything in your language(not English)

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أريد أن أكون صداقات من كل أنحاء العالم
oreed an okawin sadaakat min kul anhaa al aalm


I want to make friends from all over the world 🙂

"aisa nahi chalenga aisa kisko samjhenga kya.....chal mera naam abbas hai me sundar hoon me thanda hoon tum bahut woh hon" English translation is here: : Nobody will understand and it wont work, my name is abbas and i am very cute and cool and also .... 😛"

Tum baray achay ho " You are nice "

Aap ka naam kia hai " What is your name?"

Moi! Minun nimeni on Jenni. Olen 14 vuotias ja asun Kaskisissa. Minulla on kaksi pikkuvelje

Ice Ice

Disturbedilla on yksi hyvä biisi, se on Stupify. Täytyisi lainata se levy kaverilta 🙂

Disturbed has one good song, it is Stupify. I should borrow that cd from my friend 🙂

my turn x]

halo, namaku shia; umur 15 tahun, tinggal di bandung [indonesia]. aku memelihara seekor kura-kura bernama Christopher. 😁

english: hello, my name is shia; age 15, live in bandung [indonesia]. i have a pet turtle named Christopher. 😁

"Millet hayatı tehlikeye maruz kalmayınca, savaş cinayettir." M. K. Atatürk

in english; Unless a nation's life faces peril, war is murder.

the longest word in Slovak: najneobhospodarovavatelnejsimi
it is very hard to translate, I think it is almost imposible🙂
and a word with the most consonats: stvrtstlpovy
and something very difficult to pronounce: Pshtros, pshtrosica a pshtrosica.

wouahou O_o
Could you give us the translation of those words? ( or try to explain us...)😁

Well,as JaMajka wrote,it´s nearly impossible to translate.I´m going to do very hard job:try to explain it😃

with punctuation it is:
najneobhospodarovávateľnejšími=naj-the most,
obhospodárovávať-is from the word "hospodáriť",which means "to farm,administer,or manage"."Obhospodarovávať" relates to activity of doing something around the farm, or house or something like that.
obhospodarovávateľnejší-is an adjective from the verb above and is declined.The basic form of this word is "obhospodarovávateľnejší".The last two letters "-ší" make the word means more "obhospodarovávateľný".

štrťstĺpový=štrť-means "quarter"
stĺp-means "pylon,pillar"
stĺpový-is adjective from the word "stĺp" and may mean "having pylons".

psthros=should be written "pštros"-means "camel bird"
pstrhosica=should be written "pštrosica"-means "female camel bird"

Uff,so that´s it.Now it´s up to you to guess the right meaning😃

I'm writing in Tamil.

வரமுடியாதவர்களுக்காக - varamudiyaadhavargalukkaaga
It means "for those who cannot come".

பச்சை நாற்றுகளின்
பனித்துளி கண்ணாடிகளில்
வியர்வை பிம்பங்கள்

"In the mirrors of dew drops on the green, "young plants", reflections of sweat" Sweat of the farmers.
It's a Haiku, not mine. Like you were expecting it! 😛

Edited by TheRainGoddess .
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