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17 años,
17 años, de España
hace 8 días
hace 8 días
i find the games of @Yue_ much much more fun then the ones of trivia, and she gives you more time to think about the answer then trivia.
So im giving @Yue_ 100 points, and TriviaBot 1.
What about you?
@Yue_ @Pennarossa2024 @Esma-Nur @Miss_Penpal @Fleurke @Lianshen @Sabri_KC @Etienne @Remus @Ilexforest
48 años,
48 años, de Bélgica
hace 8 días
hace 8 días
13 años,
13 años, de Países Bajos
hace 7 días
hace 7 días
Owww thank you very much Mare @LandRoverDiscovery2 !!! 🤗🤗🥰🥰🥰 I actually like THE MORE GAMES the better!!! so Trivia is nice and of course games made by other members too!! 🥳🥳
For me if one person likes the game that i make that is already enough for me and i like to make that forum! As long as there are enough forums that everybody has at least one forum that they like that is important! 😃
52 años,
52 años, de Italia
hace 7 días
hace 7 días
i find the games of @Yue_ much much more fun then the ones of trivia, and she gives you more time to think about the answer then trivia.
So im giving @Yue_ 100 points, and TriviaBot 1.
What about you?
@Yue_ @Pennarossa2024 @Esma-Nur @Miss_Penpal @Fleurke @Lianshen @Sabri_KC @Etienne @Remus @Ilexforest
Poor TriviaBot 🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖😆😂🤣
13 años,
13 años, de Países Bajos
hace 7 días
hace 7 días
Poor TriviaBot 🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖😆😂🤣
One time i tried to visit the profile of TriviaBot to like it or to add as friend but it is not possible!! But i did try!! 😛 😛
52 años,
52 años, de Italia
hace 7 días
hace 7 días
One time i tried to visit the profile of TriviaBot to like it or to add as friend but it is not possible!! But i did try!! 😛 😛
🤖And🤵. TriviaBot and Etienne 🤣🤣
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