😊 Use your name game πŸ˜‡

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πŸ“ΈοΈ Lugo

thats rightπŸ™‚

and Sarria is a very touristic city, well known for all the pelgrims πŸ™

thats rightπŸ™‚

and Sarria is a very touristic city, well known for all the pelgrims πŸ™


πŸ“ΈοΈ Sarria

ive never seen that part of Sarria, are those the most clever pictures?

ive never seen that part of Sarria, are those the most clever pictures?


no, never seen, ive only been on the big streets, and the big parking place. There is a BIO shop called Ecoespazo Vitriol

no, never seen, ive only been on the big streets, and the big parking place. There is a BIO shop called Ecoespazo Vitriol


thats right, thats where we buy our food and stuff, well, atleast 90% of it.

thats right, thats where we buy our food and stuff, well, atleast 90% of it.

Beautiful πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Beautiful πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

thanks πŸ™‚

thanks πŸ™‚


where you got that pic from? nowadays the shop is different.

where you got that pic from? nowadays the shop is different.



probably old pics

Hello everybody!! πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ We had a lot of nice and serious forums the last two days so it is time for a game. I hope that you like it!! πŸ˜‡πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ It is only just for fun. πŸ™‚

So use the first letter of your name (you can choose your first name or your PPG nickname)

I have three official names (I use only one of them as my name, but the others are legally valid too) and I was wondering if I could use any of them for the game or if I had to use the one people call me by in real life.

Also, I wasn't planning on doing it but I'm curious, can a person use both their real name and Penpal Gate name to answer the questions?

I have three official names (I use only one of them as my name, but the others are legally valid too) and I was wondering if I could use any of them for the game or if I had to use the one people call me by in real life.

Also, I wasn't planning on doing it but I'm curious, can a person use both their real name and Penpal Gate name to answer the questions?

hiiii @Miss_Penpal!!! You can choose what you like bc it is only a game!! πŸ™‚ So no super strict rules!! In your case you can for example choose M from Miss or P from Penpal or the first letter of your real name. Any of the three letters is good!! πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡ So if you prefer not to use your real name maybe you can choose M or P. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š

1️⃣ If you have to live for one year in another country, city or province with a name that starts with the same letter as your name, which do you choose?

Salt Spring Island

2️⃣ You have to do a sport that starts with the same letter as your name?


3️⃣ Which dish or drink do you like to have with the same letter as your name?

Sweets (;

4️⃣ Mention one PPG member that has a name that starts with the same letter as yours. πŸ™‚


5️⃣ Now you have to CHANGE your first name, but it should start with the same letter. What do you choose?

My top three of names starting with S is :

1 - Serena

2 - Samantha

3 - Summer

But as much as I like the sound of 'Serena', I wouldn't want to be called that. So I guess Samantha??

Salt Spring Island


Sweets (;


My top three of names starting with S is :

1 - Serena

2 - Samantha

3 - Summer

But as much as I like the sound of 'Serena', I wouldn't want to be called that. So I guess Samantha??

That is really nice @Miss_Penpal!!! I dont know Salt Spring Island but i will google it!!! πŸ™‚ And I think that Samantha is the nicest name of the three that you mentioned ANDDD in our street also lives a Samantha (but you say it in the Dutch way) and she is super nice so i think that is a good name for you too!! πŸ†πŸ₯‡