I think a lot about this when i’m on this website. Personally,now that i am 16 i don’t find exciting to be friends with someone younger (like 11/12/13/13 yrs) and I usually don’t have anything in common with younger people. I am asking this without any judgement,why does adults here are sometimes friends with teenagers ? I DO NOT mean it in an inappropriate and dirty way. I am just genuinely curious. I talked to some women a lot older than me and felt very comfortable and good,with a man it would be a lot different even if his intentions are not bad. I wouldn’t feel “safe” to be honest.
As I said,i don’t think anyone here is a bad person. I am curious to know how from an adult perspective being friends with a teenager is interesting.
I thought that maybe,for teenagers it’s good to talk to adults for advice and deeper conversations,and for adults it’s good to give advices to teenagers and also to talk to someone with a “different” mind. Of course a teenager and an adult are going to have a very different relationship than an adult and another adult or a teenager and another teenager.
What’s your opinion about this? Mine is,I don’t feel comfortable except with women