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Christmas Cards

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[b]Hello there![/b]
We all love Christmas. Even if we don't celebrate it, we love to get presents!
That's why we want to organise an 'intercontinental presents exchange'. Sounds fun, isn't it? ๐Ÿ™‚
We decided you have to send two presents to two different people, and also receive two (if you don't like the first, you still have another ๐Ÿ˜‰ ).
[b]How are we gonna do this?[/b]
If you want to participate, you have to fill in the form, which you can find right under this little text. Than, post it in this topic.
Then, we're going to give you two names, you ask him/her where they live. You make (!) two christmascards, and put a little present into the envelop (like a keychain, or something typical from your country, like in Belgium: chocolate). [b]That's all![/b]

You can fill in a specific person, country or continent, but you can also leave them white.

[b]Aboutt you[/b]
Nickname on Penpalgate:
[u]Where I live[/u]

[b]I want to receive a card/present from[/b]
[u]Number 1:[/u]
Person (please type their ppg nickname here):

[u]Number 2:[/u]
Person (please type their ppg nickname here):

[b]I want to send a card/present to[/b]
[u]Number 1:[/u]
Person (please type their ppg nickname here):

[u]Number 2:[/u]
Person (please type their ppg nickname here):

[b]Extra: [/b]

Edited by lostlover .

Aboutt you
Name: Eva Linden
Nickname on Penpalgate: lostlover
Where I live
Country: Belgium
Continent: Europe

I want to receive a card/present from
Number 1:
Person (please type their ppg nickname here): /
Country: /
Continent: /

Number 2:
Person (please type their ppg nickname here): /
Country: /
Continent: /

I want to send a card/present to
Number 1:
Person (please type their ppg nickname here): chicca
Country: Italy
Continent: Europe

Number 2:
Continent: Europe

Belgium is famous for it's chocolate! ๐Ÿ˜

Edited by lostlover .

Aboutt you
Name: Chiara Bagnati
Nickname on Penpalgate: chicca
Where I live
Country: Italy
Continent: Europe

I want to receive a card/present from
Number 1:
Person (please type their ppg nickname here): /
Country: USA
Continent: America

Number 2:
Person (please type their ppg nickname here): Lostlover
Country: Belgium
Continent: Europe

I want to send a card/present to
Number 1:
Person (please type their ppg nickname here): Lostlover
Country: Belgium
Continent: Europe

Number 2:
Person: Asanka
Country: Sri Lanka
Continent: Asia

Edited by chicca .

My name is: Dorottya Senkeri
My name in penapal-gate: Dori95
Where I live:
Country: Hungary
Continent: Europe

I want to receive a card from: anywhere
I want to send a card to:

1., Country: Poland
Continent: Europe

2., Continent: Europe

Edited by Dori95 .

[b]About you[/b]
Name: Joanna Cichecka
Nickname on Penpalgate: Proxima
Where I live
Country: Poland
Continent: Europe

I want to receive a card/present from
Number 1:
Person (please type their ppg nickname here):
Continent: Europe

Number 2:
Person (please type their ppg nickname here):
Continent: anywhere

I want to send a card/present to
Number 1:
Person (please type their ppg nickname here):
Continent: Europe

Number 2:
Person (please type their ppg nickname here):
Continent: anywhere

Name: Asanka Chathuranga
Nickname on Penpalgate: asanka
Where I live
Country: Sri Lanka
Continent: Asia

I want to receive a card/present from
[b]Anyone from any country in any continent[/b]

I want to send a card/present to
Person : Phoebelycia,lostlover,chicca,Cocoo

[b]Sri Lanka is famous for Tea,Gems,forests,mountains,beaches and CRICKET(<3)[/b]
[b]Do ya want me to send ALL THIS ????๐Ÿ˜[/b]

Edited by asanka .

About you
Name: Rachael Smith
Nickname on Penpalgate: AppleTan
Where I live
Country: United States of America
Continent: North America

I want to receive a card/present from
Number 1:
Person (please type their ppg nickname here):
Continent: Asia!
Number 2:
Person (please type their ppg nickname here):
Continent: Anywhere~

I want to send a card/present to
Number 1:
Person (please type their ppg nickname here): Smile_95
Country: Spain
Continent: Europe

Number 2:
Person (please type their ppg nickname here):
Continent: Anywhere~
Florida is known for it's beachs and for the Everglades

Edited by AppleTan .

The dude:
Name: Jimmy
Nickname on Penpalgate: Locutus

The place:
City: Gent
Country: Belgium (for as long as it still exists ๐Ÿ˜‰)
Continent: Europe

I want to receive a card from:
Anyone from any country in any continent

I want to send a card to:
Person : Emilamka

Edited by Locutus .

Aboutt me:
Name: Claudia Joanne
Nickname on Penpalgate: Cocoo
Where I live
Country: Poland
Continent: Europe

I want to receive a card/present from
Anyone from any country ๐Ÿ˜‰

I want to send a card/present to
Number 1:
Person Asanka
Country: sri lanka
Continent: Asia

Number 2:
Person (please type their ppg nickname here):
Country: anywhere
Continent: anywhere

Ok, let's do this ๐Ÿ˜‰

About me:

Name: Marco Losi
Penpal Gate nickname: Mmarrcoss22

Where I live:

Country: Italy
Continent: Europe

I want to receive a card from:
Country: Spain
Continent: Well, everyone knows where Spain is...

Country: Switzerland/Germany/Austria (any of them is fine for me)
Continent: Same as 1)

I want to send a card to:
Continent: Europe

Come on guys we need more people! =)

Nice idea ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Aboutt you

Name: Marko
Nickname on Penpalgate: Storyteller
Where I live
Country: Switzerland
Continent: Europe

I want to receive a card/present from

Number 1:
Person (please type their ppg nickname here):
Continent: Asia

Number 2:
Person (please type their ppg nickname here):
Continent: Anywhere

I want to send a card/present to

Number 1:
Person (please type their ppg nickname here):
Continent: Anywhere

Number 2:
Person (please type their ppg nickname here):
Continent: Anywhere


Switzerland mountains, chocolat, banks, lakes, well I will see what I can send ๐Ÿ˜

About me
Name: Monica
Nickname on Penpalgate: Malika81
Where I live
Country: England
Continent: Europe

I want to receive a card/present from: wherever

I want to send a card/present to: wherever

About you
Name: Sara Nickname on Penpalgate: Sasi Where I live: Foggia
Country: italy

I want to receive a card/present from
Number 1:
Person (please type their ppg nickname here): ??
Country: USA
Continent: America

Number 2:
Person (please type their ppg nickname here)
Country: Germany

I want to send a card/present to
Number 1:
Person (please type their ppg nickname here):
Country: Olanda
Number 2:
Person (please type their ppg nickname here):
Country: Anywhere

Hey guys,

The topic closes now.

I'll send you guys the person where you have to send a card to ๐Ÿ™‚

[b]Here's a list:[/b]

lostlover sends to chicca and Storyteller.
chicca sends to asanka and lostlover.
Dori95 sends to Proxima and Cocoo.
Proxima sends to Dori95 and Locutus.
asanka sends to AppleTan and Cocoo.
AppleTan sends to Smile_95 and sasi.
Smile_95 sends to Mmarcoss22 and AppleTan.
Locutus sends to Dori95 and Smile_95.
Cocoo sends to asanka and Malika81.
Mmarcoss22 sends to Proxima and Locutus.
Storyteller sends to Mmarcoss22 and lostlover.
Malika81 sends to sasi and chicca.
sasi sends to Storyteller and Malika81.

We've tried to satisfy veryone, but it was so difficult. So not everyone van send to whoever he liked ๐Ÿ™ We're so sorry for that. We hope you'll have a lot of fun! ๐Ÿ™‚

Hey guys! We hope you will enjoy this experience ๐Ÿ™‚. That's the first year we do such a thing, and we think it is a good opportunity to make things become more "real". So, we shall say thank you to Lostlover, who have done a great job and.. Have fun!

Hey, i wanted to send a card to Emilamka ๐Ÿ™

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