Which religion do you belive in?

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I am a Pagan.

What does it mean when you call yourself a ‘Pagan’?

I know that it plays a role in metal, but what does it mean?

What does Pagan mean to you?

Thank you all for your replies!

Could you @Annika2007, @LittleWren explain your religion (religious believes) to us?

And @Lotta702 can you tell us why you are an Atheist?

Edit: please don't make lists of people based on their religion. I know it's meant to be lighthearted, but ultimately there is a weird vibe to it. Thanks!

Edited by Etienne .
Because I grow up as an atheist my whole family is too
Edited by Etienne .

Thats (i guess) Cool!

used to believe in Buddhism,but now no religion

I suppose I‘m Christian. Though I don’t really know if there’s any difference between Catholic and Christian, because most people here are Catholic Christians. (If you even call it that :,))

@Soulfly @Esma-Nur : There are different branches to Paganism. But I will just explain how it pertains to me.

Basically my Gods are the Earth, the Sun and the Moon. Out of those three, the only one I have any impact on is the Earth. So, I suppose one could say that any religious duties that I undertake involves taking care of the small part of the planet I inhabit. Doing the best I can not to befoul it, cleaning up litter when I find it. If I have a minor ailment, I will seek relief from plants. Clean wounds with salt water etc. Of course, if I have any concerning symptoms, I will visit a doctor. But I try not to be a burden on an already overburdened system if I can do something simple to find relief.

Another important aspect of my beliefs is to take care of people and other living creatures to the best of my ability. The tribe comes before the individual. Every creature has a soul and has as much right to be here as me.

The most difficult aspect of my lifestyle and beliefs is finding a balance with the modern world. For example, due to the way I live, I'm not a materialistic person. I have what I need. But it's also important that I find the time to try to keep up with evolving technology etc so that I'm still able to help someone who needs it. I don't mind if the people in my area think of me as the crazy old lady who lives in the woods, as long as they know the crazy old lady in the woods also knows how to fix their misbehaving router. Lol.

TL;DR: Essentially living as close to nature as is possible in a modern world.

I am an atheist luckily

And what bring you to be an atheist?

And what bring you to be an atheist?

In my opinion every religion is absurd (my personal opinion) and I am against most of the things of many religions. For example islam…the women…they have to dress modestly,virgin till marriage,hjiab…oh my god

i accept ur decisions I guess atheism is something for you. for me as i said Elhamdulillah I am a Muslim and it is ur opinion and ur decision=)

In my opinion every religion is absurd (my personal opinion) and I am against most of the things of many religions. For example islam…the women…they have to dress modestly,virgin till marriage,hjiab…oh my god

And i would like to add the dressing rules are also for men but not that much for them and virginity is for men important too and also the praying rules etc. and most people think that islam is a religion against woman: actually it is nnot it is seeing both genders equal and if i dont remember wrong: in the time of prophet Muhammed s.a.w. if woman gave birth to girls the girls were burried alive and the men were ashamed to have girls. And Prophet Muhammed s.a.w. was one of the first poeple sawing the girls and shoing the people that haveing a girl as a child wasn't ashaming! I am telling you this to everyone not just Roseeeee cause this forum is for religions and o show people how your religion is. i am not trying to get now people convert to Islam or something I am just telling these. (i hope we wil hear abt other religions either!)

Edited by Esma-Nur .

My mom says if religions make people more peaceful and good than in that case the religions are positive. So for example if somebody does good deeds because that is what the religion says, i think it is a nice thing. I dont know enough about religions but i think almost all religions like christianity and islam and hinduism and paganism how @LittleWren describes it that they are all good and positive. But it becomes different if people maybe change the religion because how they think it is.

For example, a friend of me at school explained in my class that islam is a very peaceful religion and that people who did terrorist attacks are not real muslims. And i think christianity is good because you have the virtues and other good things. And for buddhism it is very peaceful and my grandma says that the buddha even said that he can even be wrong himself about everything!! So it does not tell others that you are punished if you are not a buddhist. Not at all!!!

So as long as it is peaceful and you learn good deeds and virtues and that you dont punish other people if they believe something different, i think that religions are good. And if you are an atheist and you do good and are peaceful and kind, that is also very positive.

For example islam…the women…they have to dress modestly,virgin till marriage,hjiab…oh my god

Umm in Islam even men have to dress modestly though... It's just that there are fewer parts of the body to cover, but in any case men also have obligations. 🙂

Umm in Islam even men have to dress modestly though... It's just that there are fewer parts of the body to cover, but in any case men also have obligations. 🙂

So why are Muslim men always dressed in a totally fashionable way and women have to wear veils?

It's absolutely clear that Islam is a religion that oppresses women.

So why are Muslim men always dressed in a totally fashionable way and women have to wear veils?

It's absolutely clear that Islam is a religion that oppresses women.

no it is not the men are just mostly soo unislamic and woman more and any woman are truealy proud better then man

no it is not the men are just mostly soo unislamic and woman more and any woman are truealy proud better then man

I can't judge that at all. It's just what I think I perceive. I also find a discussion about religion very difficult because it is always very personal.

I can't judge that at all. It's just what I think I perceive. I also find a discussion about religion very difficult because it is always very personal.

you are rght lets just keep this as our opnion

We can also make a new religion of all religions in the world. 🙂 Sorry that is only a joke not serious! 😛