What are your hobbies? Vida cotidiana y costumbres

Hey. Im pretty sure that this forum was made in past and 90% that I MADe it.

Lol idk, just say, i like to read them🤪😛

My hobby is writing. In the past I read a lot

Reading (but I read less than I would like to)
Spend time in nature (can I call it hobby even?)
Analyzing/philosophy/psychology (You know... "Where are we going? What are we?! Oh, why this happen? Can SI become what we call human some day? Why wombat poops are cubes?)
Military (how to conquer the world and why glory of Rome or Jerusalem is so tempting to restore? And of course the sound of reloading M1 Garand)
Video Games and generally, wide defined culture.

i love reading so much! i think it comprises like 90% of my day-to-day activities! i could go on and on and on about reading >< i also love playing games! games like hmmm.. perhaps kingdom hearts, final fantasy and persona! those r the ones i love!

Hi✨️ I love drawing (mostly manga)🖌 reading manga📚 watching anime🎬 listening to music (at 3am)🎧 rollerblading🛼 playing drums🥁 and of course making friends (I'm way too sociable)😝

for me its much easyer if you just look at my profile 😉