Write nostalgy✨️✨️ 日常生活与习俗

Here, u can write any nostalgic stuff .


Here, u can write any nostalgic stuff .


Doesn't anyone write anything?

I miss the time where I had my chicken. My sister, my brother and me each had one. They were so sweet, they didn't try to run away from me and my siblings when we picked them up. I remember we used to give them baths out in the backyard in an old basket, and when we were done, our hens just laid on towels in the sun and fell asleep. We had small harnesses to take them out of the chicken coop too, but after some time we didn't even need them anymore because our hens were such angels! It was also very fun to go on the swings with a hen on our knees, sometimes they fell asleep on us, it was so adorable. The only regret I have is that I feel like I didn't spend enough time with them towards the end...

I miss the times when school was actually fun and we were excited to go

I miss the times when school was actually fun and we were excited to go
And now?