What is the birthday song in your country ?

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I'm curious, since I realised the birthday songs were different in every country.

祝你生日快乐(Happy Birthday to you)
We just sing the Chinese version of Happy Birthday do You.
But some of us sing Happy Birthday to You in English too.

Usually we sing the English or German Version of Happy Birthday, but there's another, longer song called "Wie schön, dass du geboren bist" ("It's great that you've been born" basically). We sing it mainly in kindergarten or primary school, but weirdly at almost no other time...

Polska : Sto lat, Sto lat, niech żyje, żyje nam ! 😉

En Venezuela "Ay, que noche tan preciosa" normalmente se canta antes del "cumpleaños feliz, te deseamos a ti'

happy birthday to you (x2),happy birthday dear [persons name], happy birthday to you.
for kids, usually after that people go "are you 1? are you 2? are you 3?" until they reach the kid's age, when the kid says "STOP!"

"Tanti auguri a te, tanti auguri a te, tanti auguri [name of the person], tanti auguri a te!", then everyone clapping their hands👏

Arise! you who refuse to bond slaves!
Let's stand up and fight for liberty and to democracy!
All our world is facing the change of the tyranny,
Everyone who wants for freedom is now crying.
Arise! Arise! Arise!
All of us with one heart,
With the torch of Freedom! March on!
With the torch of Freedom! March on!
March on! March on and on!


- Tanti auguri te
Tanti auguri a te
Tanti auguri caro/cara (name)
Tanti auguri a te
… e la torta a me! -

- Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear (name)
Happy birthday to you
… and the cake to me -

Usually we sing the English or German Version of Happy Birthday, but there's another, longer song called "Wie schön, dass du geboren bist" ("It's great that you've been born" basically). We sing it mainly in kindergarten or primary school, but weirdly at almost no other time...

We still sing "Wie schön, dass du geboren bist" even now, as well as "Hoch sollst du leben".

Another birthday song we use (I think only my family) would be "Ständchen" by Wise Guys (a German a capella band). It's a birthday song with great lyrics.

Wie schön, dass du geboren bist / How Beautiful That You Were Born

How beautiful that you were born,
Otherwise we would have really missed you.
How beautiful that we're together
We congratulate you, birthday child!

It can rain today,
Be stormy or snowing,
Because you shine
Like the sunshine.
Today is your birthday,
So we celebrate,
All your friends
Are happy with you

How beautiful that you were born,
Otherwise we would have really missed you.
How beautiful that we're together
We congratulate you, birthday child!

Our good wishes
Have their reason:

Please stay
Happy and healthy for even longer.
Seeing you so happy,
Is what pleases us,
There are already enough tears
In this world.

How beautiful that you were born,
Otherwise we would have really missed you.
How beautiful that we're together,
We congratulate you, birthday child!

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
It doesn't matter at all,
Your birthday comes around
Only once a year.
So let's celebrate,
Until we drop,
Today there will be dancing,
Singing and laughing.

How beautiful that you were born,
We would have really missed you otherwise.
How beautiful that we're together,
We congratulate you, birthday child!

Wise guys - Ständchen / Serenade

We got to know
That some years ago someone
Found the day suitable
And without hesitation delivered you
Since then you're in this world
It's great that you like it here
Happy Birthday!

We wish that
Especially today
Many kind people are around you
And that they maybe even have gifts for you
And that they think of you
Because it's your birthday today

We wish that in your new year of age
The good things will stay as they were
And that everything which is getting on your nerves
At least does not get any worse

We wish that on every morning
You can start your new day
Happily and without sorrows
And that most likely you will never win
In the TV lottery
But you'll at least win some new friends

We wish you sunshine in summer
And loads of snow in winter
And that you always find the
Right clothes for the weather

And that many people visit you
And bring you delicious
Cakes. Yes, we'd like that!
We hope that you say: "Today is a day
Exactly as I like it
Having birthday is not bad!"

And that you also enjoy getting older
In the future without complaints
So, to make it short - that's why we are here
We congratulate you

Επεξεργάστηκε από τον/την Winzentwinni .

In Mexico we have one called "Las mañanitas" it's not only a birthday song but we mostly use it for that, we can sing it at different festivities too.
i'll try to post the lyrics in english

This is the morning song
that King David sang
Because today is your saint's day
we're singing it for you
Wake up, my dear*, wake up,
look it is already dawn
The birds are already singing
and the moon has set

How lovely is the morning
in which I come to greet you
We all came here with joy
and pleasure to congratulate you
The morning is coming now,
the sun is giving us its light
Get up in the morning,
look it is already dawn

The day you were born
all the flowers were born
On the baptismal font
the nightingales sang

I would like to be the sunshine
to enter through your window
to wish you good morning
while you're lying in your bed

I would like to be a Saint John
I would like to be a Saint Peter
To sing to you
with the music of heaven

Of the stars in the sky
I have to lower two for you
One to greet you
and the other to wish you goodbye

Sometimes we sing the German version of "Happy Birthday", but actually it's the English version most of the time. Sometimes we sing Birthday songs in school with our teachers, when it's somebody's birthday, but everyone hates it 😬

In Poland- sto lat, sto lat, niech żyje,żyje nam!!

In France, we usually sing "Joyeux anniversaire" which is the French version of "Happy birthday to you". We also sing the English version, and some people sing consecutively the French, English, Spanish and German version.
There is also "Bon anniversaire, nos vœux les plus sinsères", which is an old song. We usually don't sing it anymore, except in certain middles like in *ich traditional and conservative families.
In my family, we have a joke. We sing "Un p'tit beurre day to you". "Petits beurres" are bisquits.

Er is er een jarig hoera, hoera, dat kun je wil zien dat ben jij. Wij vinden dat allen zo prettig ja ja, en daarom zingen wij blij, blij, blij blij. Zij leven lang hoera hoera, zij leven lang hoera, hoera, zij leven lang hoera, hoera. Lang zal ze leven, lang zal ze leven, lang zal ze leven in de gloria, in de gloria, in de gloria. Hierperdepiep, hoera. Hierperdepiep, hoera

In Mexico we have one called "Las mañanitas" it's not only a birthday song but we mostly use it for that, we can sing it at different festivities too.
i'll try to post the lyrics in english

This is the morning song
that King David sang
Because today is your saint's day
we're singing it for you
Wake up, my dear*, wake up,
look it is already dawn
The birds are already singing
and the moon has set

How lovely is the morning
in which I come to greet you
We all came here with joy
and pleasure to congratulate you
The morning is coming now,
the sun is giving us its light
Get up in the morning,
look it is already dawn

The day you were born
all the flowers were born
On the baptismal font
the nightingales sang

I would like to be the sunshine
to enter through your window
to wish you good morning
while you're lying in your bed

I would like to be a Saint John
I would like to be a Saint Peter
To sing to you
with the music of heaven

Of the stars in the sky
I have to lower two for you
One to greet you
and the other to wish you goodbye

En Chile tambien empezamos con "las mañanitas" el dia del cumpleaños, y cantamos "cumpleaños feliz" solo como preambulo para apagar las velas de la torta.
Cumpleaños feliz,
Te deseamos a ti.
Que los cumplas en tu dia,
Que los cumplas feliz.

(Happy Birthday,
we wish you,)
En sueco cantamos:
Jag mår och leva, (I feel healthy)
Jag mår och leva,
Jag mår och leva i hundrade år (I will feel healthy one hundred years)
ja visst ska jag leva,
ja visst ska jag leva
ja visst ska jag leva i hundrade år (of course I will live one hundred years)

I forgot to mation another joke: a parody of "Bon anniversaire, nos vœux les plus sincères" which is "C'est ton anniversaire, c'est pas celui d'ta mère" which means, "it's your birthday, not your mother's".

Αυτό το θέμα είναι ανενεργό για λίγο και τώρα είναι μόνο για ανάγνωση.